(no subject)

Dec 10, 2004 23:21

Tonight my mama called and I didn't answer- I said I'd call her back

Then I left. I thought I'd try to cheer up a friend, but I'm really crappy at cheering ppl up, and I'm not the kind of person who just cheers ppl up by being around.

Then I got a call from Buffie. Mama's been at home crying for hours now. She won't tell anyone what's going on, but she called me and I wasn't there for her. One person who I could make better I neglected.

Lord, help me to serve those around me better and at the same time help me not be so offended when I am not what you use to serve people.

Truly to live is Christ and to die is Gain. The hope of the Kingdom in full consumation is the only place I will ever be all that I was intended to be.

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