Preist / {Young Justice} Re: Hello

May 23, 2011 21:05

So I've been dying to see Priest since I saw the preview, because, hey, it's Karl Urban blowing shit up and enjoying the hell out of it, and that will never not be awesome. In preparation, I found and read the manhwa "Priest."

Spoilers below.

The movie has little/nothing to do with the comic, but this is how it went down. Someone glanced through volume three and saw a cowboy-guy shooting up a train full of reanimated demon-zombies, and there was also this random girl who was the head of a band of outlaws there. And yeah, there's a fight on the roof, and yeah, she almost falls off.

That's it. That's where this movie came from.

It reminds me a lot of Red Steel 2, actually. It's the same school of world-building, namely not explaining anything. Mostly.

It was pretty 'eh', all told. I saw it at a drive-in, so that was cool. It's not dark or gritty, but it's a fun enough adventure romp in the style of the space-western.

One good thing/one bad thing: The good thing was that they didn't force the pairing of priest/priestess. It could have ended that way, but I'm happy it didn't. Bad thing: Okay, so the priest has been living in squalor in the worst of humanity. He is living hand to mouth, and his only family and his wife are murdered bloodly. The church he fought for excommunicates him. As far as I can tell, he has no reason NOT to join Karl in killing the world. Just sayin'.

All that being said, HOLY CRAP KARL URBAN WHY SO AWESOOOOOOMEEEEE. If the prepubescent girl population feels the same way about vampire!Robert Pattenson the same way I feel about vampire!Karl Urban, then I might actually understand Twilight better now.

He has a black hat and a black coat. A Black Hat!! And Gold vampire-cat eyes! AND FANGS. And he kills people! AND CONDUCTS THE DOWNFALL OF AN ENTIRE CITY. LITERALLY.

I may cry.

Title: Re: Hello
Author: Mayhem
Word Count: 1265
Rating: G
Author Notes:  I am operating under the assumption that anything posted to the meme is a prompt. Also, metaphor-heavy. For "bioship", read "meme".
Summary: For this prompt spam on the YJ_anon_meme:  Hello, I am Virgiana.
How are you ? hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.Please I
went through your profile in this site i read it and took
interest in it,
please if you don't mind i will like you to write me on this
ID(screened) hope to hear from you soon,and I will be
waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you.
Lots of love for good friends with good peoples who i can exchange language with him you can teach me your language then i can teach you English very well if we meet together am single girl with heart of love and caring .
Miss Virgiana

Wally leans over and braces his hands on his legs, panting, even as Superboy wrestles the guy to the ground. Robin clicks on the handcuffs, and Megan ties the other two together tightly.

“Wow,” Robin says, flipping the disc with the recovered data on it. “We completed a mission. We followed a plan that worked, and we weren't discovered, and we didn't cause any major structural damage.”

“Yeah,” Artemis agrees. “We kind of rock, don't we?”

“Hell yes we do!” Wally cheers, apparently recovered. “This calls for a party!”

They all troop up the ramp of the ship, settling into their seats. They hadn't assigned seats to people, but everyone had kind of claimed one anyhow.

The ship lifts into the air smoothly, hovering as everyone buckles up. But before they go zooming off, a quiet little voice from the back of the plane says, “Hello.”

It's a good thing they're only a few feet off the ground, because the bioship falls like a rock. Everyone is at the back in seconds, gathering around their stowaway.

She's a little girl, pretty as a picture. Literally. She looks exactly like every picture you see of little girls; pretty white dress, long hair with a curl and a ribbon, big blue eyes and rosy cheeks. She looks down and shuffles back and forth in her shiny black shoes.

“Hello,” Kaldur says, taking lead. He goes down on one knee so he's at eye level with the girl. “What's your name? Are you hurt? Or lost?”

“I am Virgiana,” she says shyly. “I am...” she looks up at them, blinking watery eyes with lashes like clocksprings. “I am in perfect condition of health.”

Robin immediately spouts off a number of greetings in a number of languages, but the girl just ducks her head and sniffles, so he stops.

“Please,” she says, watching one of her feet draw little circles on the floor. “I went through your ship in this site and I took

interest in it,

please if you don't mind...”

“Virgiana, was it?” Kaldur says, and shifts to sit back on his heels. “I'm afraid we can't just let you wander around in here unchecked. This is a special ship, you see. Not just anyone can be in here.” He smiles at her gently. “Can we help you find your mother or someone?”

She shakes her head violently. “I was hope to hear from you soon,” she says, and then her voice drops to a whisper. “Because i have something VERY important to tell you.”

The team goes on alert. Though she looked too good to be true and talked strange, she apparently had something very important to tell them. Could it be about an alien invasion? Or was she being abused? Or perhaps that they were all in terrible danger? Maybe the child saw dead people?

“What is it, Virgiana?” Kaldur says softly, gently. He holds out a hand towards her, but she shys away.

“Lots of love for good friends with good peoples who i can exchange language with him you can teach me your language then i can teach you English very well if we meet together am single girl with heart of love and caring.” The girl chants quickly, all in one breath.

None of the teenagers know what that even means, much less how to react.

So then the girl turns green and grows three feet taller, and also a few spikes and some very sharp-looking teeth. “Miss Virgiana!” the creature shouts, and then attacks.

Now, that? That they know how to react to.

“Go!” Kaldur says, but Robin's already opening the door, and Wally's doing what he does best, which is being bait.

M'gann flies backwards, letting the others protect her while she tries to get into the thing's mind. She gasps. “It''s full of words,” she says, breathing and trying again. “ doesn't make sense, and it has so many names....”

Kaldur's got his water whips out, and has taken up a position right in front of the aisle. The thing must not get into the ship itself.

Artemis had darted back behind him, and she stands on the seats, using them as cover to shoot a handful of arrows.

“It's skin is like rock,” she calls out, making sure everyone could hear her.

“Eyes,” Robin says, popping up beside her, before plugging his glove into the bioship itself.

Superboy moves forward, engaging the thing directly. It attempts to eat him, so he headbutts it instead.

The creature doesn't deign to notice. Neither is it moving from it's spot on the floor.

Artemis goes through the gamut of her trick arrows at it, and Superboy stays toe-to-toe with the beast, trading blow after blow.

Kaldur says, “Artemis!” and then soaks the thing with his Waterbearers.

“Got it!” she calls, and sends a shock arrow right between its eyes.

It screeches, then hisses and spits. It's kind of familiar, in a way. It sounds almost like...”Static!” Robin calls from the front of the ship. “It's a virus!”

“Dude, really?” says Kid Flash over Robin's shoulder. “That's a computer virus?”

“It's a bug called the Spammer,” Robin explains, typing furiously. “The bioship works a different way than most technology, it's bio, see? So the virus...”

“...ended up as a biomanifestation, I see,” Kid Flash, finishes.

“Shut down the power,” Robin intsructs, and just like that, they're fighting in the dark.

“Warning, maybe, next time?” Artemis calls, but she still pegs the thing with another arrow.

“Superboy, down!” Kaldur calls, and Superboy turns instead. He gets a faceful of water for his efforts, and crouches out of the way. “Sorry,” Kaldur says distractedly. Superboy growls.

“Got it!” Robin calls triumphantly, and the creature sparks, hisses, and fizzles right out of existence, leaving a few spent arrows and a rather large puddle of water.

Wally turns the lights back on, Kaldur reabsorbs the water into his tattoos, and Artemis collects her arrows. Superboy just stands there, looking kind of awkward. M'gann floats over to confer with Robin about the makeup and programming of the ship.

Finally, they're all back in their seats. Artemis finally says, “A computer bug, huh?”

Robin passes his hand over his eyes, and rubs his temple. “Yeah,” he sighs. “And the bad news is that it might happen again.”

“Can't you just fix it?” Superboy wants to know.

Robin shakes his head. “It presents itself as a valid entity on an unidentified port,” he explains. “I can't cut it out without blocking all the valid input. And that's just this bug. There are so many other kinds out there. I'm building it a new firewall, but basically? We're reacting instead of acting. If you see something you think is odd or suspicious, shout.”

“Is there any damage to the system?” Kaldur wants to know.

“Thank goodness there isn't,” Robin says, and pats the console. “This thing is sturdy. Great makeup. It'll probably run forever.”

There's much shaking of heads and sighing, and then Wally pulls his cowl down. “So, celebration?”

“Pizza, a movie and ice cream?” Artemis suggests. “I'm not really feeling up to a party right now.”

“Sounds good to me,” M'gann says, and the bioship lifts back off gently, to fly the skies once again.

(real life) has nuthin' on fandom, (young justice) apparently, oh look a bad joke, all your (fic) are belong to us, 'splody-booms

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