Jul 04, 2012 20:07
Okay guys, no, seriously.
Where are all the Eureka/Iron Man crossovers.
Two arrogant, insane, genius inventor sons of bitches with far too much snark and repression issues for their own good, with similar taste in women, booze and license plates, with penchants for unnatural fondness for AIs, and they both are CEOs of Stark Industries. Seriously.
WHERE ARE THESE STORIES. I refuse to believe there aren't any.
For that matter, where are all the Stargate: Atlantis/Eureka crossovers? Where, like, There's this big life-threatening situation, and Sheppard's gone out to shoot something, and Rodney's frantically typing, and Carter's all, "So, you can fix this with science, right?"
And Rodney's all miffed, like, "Of course I can, do you know who I am, of course I fix this but why do you think I can why do you think science can fix this? You're a cop, you should think guns solve it, why would you even turn to science and expect me to be able to bend the laws of the universe here?"
Carter reholsters his weapon, keeping an eye on the door. "So you can't do it. Okay, no problem."
And of course Rodney takes exception to that, and Sheppard gets back in enough time to notice that Carter must have plenty of experience with genuis scientists, because he knows enough to give Rodney an outlet without giving him a distraction.
Then Rodney slams the panel shut and says, "There, this will make the laws of causality cry in a corner somewhere. God knows why the universe doesn't hate me more than it does."
Sheppard levels him a look, and Rodney flaps a hand at him like, "oh, shut up," and Carter says, a flash of humor in his voice, "Great to know about causality laws and stuff, but what'll it do to the robots?"
"Fry the secondary nervous systems via subsonic frequency because I am that damn good and what do you mean, robots? You think these things are robots?"
Carter sighs, and unhooks his radio from his vest. "I cannot believe in aliens. All the shit I've seen, and I refuse to believe there's anything out there. So, for my peace of mind, they're robots, okay?" Then he triggers the talkie and says, "Joe, hit it."
"Nice to meetcha," Sheppard says, nodding at the Sheriff. "Got somewhere to be. Lieutenant, team two ready. Punch it."
The Sheriff's already out the door, but Rodney calls after him, "Oh, and with a name like yours, you don't need to believe in aliens. They can slaughter you just fine without it."
...or, y'know. Something like that.
So, uh, Eureka crossovers. Any recs?
(eureka) should involve bathtubs somehow,
(stargate) is a sci-fi staple,
(marvel) at the pretties