I saw part 2!

Jul 23, 2011 16:14

I'm busy trying to get stuff done. I am woefully behind on my Big Band art. And let's not forget that I am still trying to write the perfect CV and cover letters! Once that is done I have a bunch of jobs lined up to apply for. (So far no responses from the 16 I have applied to so far except for one negative one ( Read more... )

poll, london adventures, films

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groolover July 23 2011, 16:52:10 UTC
For interviews, what to wear depends on the job. But you can't usually go wrong with a suit (either with trousers or a skirt).

Percy was definitely in the film, I saw him! I agree with the WTFness though. And I was very disappointed indeed with the final Harry/Voldy showdown - been waiting for that for ten years and it was just WRONG!


mayfly_78 July 23 2011, 21:10:52 UTC
Gah! A friend insists trousers are they way to go, but I always feel far better dressed in skirts and dresses. I have wide hips and a relatively narrow waist which makes finding trousers besides jeans difficult.

A suit! A suit is soo not me. I'm like dressing bright and casual and far younger than my age. I hate having to dress all serious and stuff. Bleurgh! I am an architect not an accountant, wouldn't dressing too conservative actually be a bad thing in my line of work? Being imaginative and having a flair for designs are musts!

i think I might have spied a red-head in passing who could have been Percy, but where was the big tearful reunion? It was all a bit blink and you miss it.

I think they completely missed the point with the final battle. After all the speechifying the actual battle was supposed to be swift and sudden. And Harry was supposed to only use an Expeliarmus! Have I been reading too much fanfiction?


groolover July 24 2011, 14:48:27 UTC
Well, you'll notice I *did* say that it depends on the job! But in general the accepted convention is that you dress more 'seriously' for an interview than for the job itself. You can be imaginative *and* appear serious! And in any case they'll be looking for imagination and design flair etc. in your portfolio etc. rather than in what you wear on the day.

The danger with dressing more informally is that the people interviewing you may not all be designers, and they (particularly managers) expect a certain amount of formality. I stand by my claim that you can't go wrong with a suit for the interview - I wouldn't recommend you wear it again if you get the job though!

I was disappointed at the lack of a Weasley reunion, but even more so at the travesty that was the final showdown!


mayfly_78 July 26 2011, 00:28:57 UTC
Managers, bleurgh! (I hope you're not one!)

I see your point about suits, but I have never owned one in my life! And I'm not sure I'd be able to pull one off. Don't they cost a lot?


groolover July 26 2011, 10:07:14 UTC
I'm not a manager, no :-)

You can get fairly reasonably-priced suits from various places (M&S is the obvious one, in the UK). They do tend to cost a bit more than the total of the separates, but I (and lots of other people I know) have an "interview suit", which I bought specifically for that reason and never wear any other time, so it lasts for ages!


mayfly_78 July 29 2011, 21:36:31 UTC
I am holding you responsible! I went to M&S to look for suits and stuff. The biggest one too, the one in Marble Arch. I have three things to say:

1. All the suits were black! I don't want to work in a funeral parlour!

2. Fabric trousers look awful on me, no matter how many I try on. My hips are too wide and my bottom too big.

3. The only skirts they had to match were straight pencil skirts. I can't wear a pencil skirt! Did I mention my big hips?

Serious clothes are hard!


groolover August 16 2011, 22:55:25 UTC
Just realised I never replied to this, sorry!

Sorry you had no luck. All I can say is that I got my current interview suit from M&S and it is brown with a non-pencil skirt :-) I suppose they must change their range regularly - I don't look that often!


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