Guys on tinder

Jun 16, 2016 22:24

Still flat hunting. It is so soul draining! I have seen such bad places, unfit for human habitation some of them. It takes up all my spare time. I have stopped going to aikido, the swimming pool, have skipped a number of events I wanted to go to. Ugh!

Anyway lets move to something more amusing. Ever since the jerk we shall call G from now on dumped me, (I might even post some pictures of him later, so you can put a face to the person) I reactivated my old tinder account and started tindering again. Because what better way to get back at him that to go out on a bunch of dates? So far quite unsuccessful dates. None of them was worth a second date, and none of them was worth sleeping with. *sigh* I am remembering how hard it is being single in your thirties. All the good ones are already taken.

How many of you have tried tinder out? It is at once immensely satisfying swiping away all the losers and immensely depressing to find how few (free) men there are in London that I find attractive and/or interesting. Every now and then I come across some jewels however. And now that I have learnt how to screen shot on my iphone I am saving them and sending them to my friend so she can also enjoy some of the male specimens I come across.

Under the cut I am putting some of the weirdest or funniest profile pics I have come across so far:

I confess these guys can't help how they look, but still could have found more flattering pics.

And then there are more than a few hipsters. I am so over hipsters!

The try-hard posers. The line is very thin between them and the hipsters.

The tattoed guys. There are so many of them! The fact I only remembered to screenshot two is under-representative.

The zombies. Yes, I have come across quite a few zombie-like profile pics.

And then geek fanboys, who do get a certain amount of kudos from me.

The guys who are probably serial killers.

The guys who just want to show you their legs.

The guys who just want to tie you up. (There are also subs, but I forgot to screenshot them)

Guys with inventive and amusing profile pics. They definitely get kudos from me.

Guys who tried by failed to make inventive profile pics.

Guys who are just plain wtf.

Married guys.

Guys who want to give you orgasns.

Guys who want to give you kids.

And one of my personal favourites, the vote remaIN campaign trying their hardest to engage with the young electorate.


photos, london adventures

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