Trying to avoid sleeping under the arches

Jun 12, 2016 20:49

I am spending most of my time stressfully looking for a new flat. Flat hunting in London is unbelievably hard. If you haven't been through it you can't understand just how small and miserable and dingy everything is here. Nor how expensive it is! You end up giving close to half your wages on rent!

I am trying a new approach instead of looking for a room in an existing share, I have put together a raggle taggle group and we are looking to find a whole flat to share. Some of them are still quite young and new to London so are overly optimistic on the size rooms they can get on their budget in the areas they want to live. This might be a problem if they refuse to compromise on size or location.

I have a back up plan. My back up plan consists of boxing all my stuff up, putting it in storage and staying with friends or in hostels till I find something. I must note that my friends here either live in flatshares or have families. Plus with my job, where I have a dress code and all, living out of a suitcase will be hard.

The good thing that has happened to me lately is that I have met a really cool group of people who are super friendly and accepting and like organising trips and nights out. Lets hope life doesn't shit on me again, like it likes doing and I manage to become friends with them.
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