In Athens

Jul 04, 2015 17:54

I'm in Athens and things are all over the place. The banks are only giving 60 euro a day to each person and there are queues at most ATMs until the bills run out. The non-perishables at the supermarkets are getting bought out by panicking people. I have never seen the local supermarket with completely empty shelves like this before.

The protests in front of the parliament are amassing almost unprecedented amounts of people. The media - that is in the pay of big business and the rich who already have all their money in tax free off shore accounts - is pushing for a Yes vote so strongly that they have been called out numerous times on their lies and scaremongering by the watchdogs.

Everyone I know is going to vote No. I want to vote No. But I'm feeling a little guilty since my stakes are a lot lower. I want my country to get over this and my friends and family to be able to live in dignity, but I myself have already abandoned ship since I live abroad.

I realised that I should have registered as living abroad for tax purposes, which means theoretically they could try to fine me for not doing it earlier, practically I'm too fed up to care and am too much of a small fish I believe for anyone to bother with me.

I am hoping to go to an island with a friend next week, but it's still in the air. Our money stretches as far as the boat fares and food, but not accommodation. Our original plan was to go free camping like we have done in the past, but it seems like the police have been chasing free campers the last couple of years (its illegal in Greece) so we are a bit worried. My friend got a ticket for it last year and had to appear in front of a judge. I am looking into organised camping sites, but that might stretch our budget too much.

Random photos:

I hope for everything #graffiti #streetart #athens #ermou #greece

"OXI" means no #graffiti #poster #beggar #athens #ermou #monastiraki #greece

We are worth more II #graffiti #poster #athens #greece

We are worth more #graffiti #poster #athens #greece

#shadows #light #grid #geometry #abstract #pergola #glyfada #athens #greece

ToysLand #PoMo #thesignasarchitecture #signs #meaning #architecture #kitsch #advertising #lego #glyfada #athens #greece

Having a lemonade and an ice cream with a view of the acropolis #athens #monastiraki #thuseio #acropolis #night #greece

#athens #metro #underground #seating #reflection #greece

Waiting for the metro #athens #elliniko #redline #metro #underground #greece

photos, living in athens

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