So my experiment with cotton scarves went so-so. It takes a lot more time and effort than the silk ones. Some designs sold like hotcakes (the Agents of Shield one in particular), while others were a no-go (no body seems to want my Argent family or McCall pack ones from Teen Wolf
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I'm very curious about the Hawkeye designs, because yes, there's not enough of Hawkeye marchandise (both official and fandom ones). Personally I'm not that attached to him, but his a favourite of one of my best friends, so I'm always happy when there are more gift options for her XD
As for the triangular arc reactor symbol you mention, it's from Iron Man 2. Tony re-designs the arc reactor to make it better, uses the unknown element, etc. etc. in the end it's in a different shape, exactly the one you keep finding. ;) Personally I prefered the first version, but I got used to triangle by now and I like it a lot. ;) (Tony is my personal favourite, so my opinions on that symbol were the strongest, I guess. XD)
And I bet many people would like Hydra scarfs. And Death Eater ones too, people like evil guys, even those without redeeming qualities. Personally I'd seriously consider getting one myself. In case simple whispering "Hail Hydra" while hugging people ever gets boring. Though on the other hand I think the best part of Hydra is how well-hidden it is, so maybe a scarf with the symbol is not the way to go. XD
I look forward to the pics of the painting! :)
I remember Tony redesigning the arc reaction, but I never really looked at it closely to see what is looked like exactly. Again in Iron Man's case even though the mask is less elegant than the arc reactor, it is more easily recognisable.
Thing is when making designs for scarves, I have to mainly consider what women fans would like to wear. So while there are loads of Avengers female fans, are they big enough fans to want to wear a Hawkeye scarf is the question?
I think for Tony the arc reactor is recognisable enough, but that's just my opinion ;)
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