Help me choose new geeky scarf designs

Apr 08, 2015 12:19

So my experiment with cotton scarves went so-so. It takes a lot more time and effort than the silk ones. Some designs sold like hotcakes (the Agents of Shield one in particular), while others were a no-go (no body seems to want my Argent family or McCall pack ones from Teen Wolf).

I'm thinking of trying some new Avenger themed designs this time, but I'm a bit unsure. Would be people into the Avengers be into hand-made craft items? Because it is quite far away from the polished look of comics and digital stuff. Early on I discovered the HP fandom isn't into my style of one coloured block-printing, which is why I never really did much HP stuff. Doctor Who fans - probably because they were on average older - really liked my linoprint stuff until etsy deactivated it all.

I'm only familiar with the Avengers through the films, which I am keen on, but I was never into the comic books. So help me choose the best symbols to use?

I like him quite a lot and there seems to be a consensus that there aren't enough Hawkeye official products out there. I was thinking of going with a white print on a purple/mauve scarf/notebook cover. But which design would be more popular:

(Personally I'm more keen on the target symbol.)
Poll Hawkeye

I was going to go with red on black for the Black Widow scarf and hope it shows enough. I found two variations of her standard logo and another interesting one that actually is a pirate flag:

Poll Black Widow

When it comes to Iron Man I am genuinely undecided. I like the idea of the arc reactor symbol, but I worry it might be too abstract and the mask would be better. (Also what is that triangular arc reactor symbol I keep on finding?) I'm going to be printing yellow on red.

Poll Iron Man

Little tidbit: I used to be into Norse Mythology when I was a kid and had a read a lot of it, I even read some of the Viking sagas, and Loki was one of my favourites. Norse Loki is more of a mischievous trouble maker who will on occasion do really bad things. I'm torn between a more Marvel based symbol for Loki - his helmet - or one of the Norse symbols for him - a snake tied in knots. His scarf will be yellow on green.

Thor is a no-brainer, I'm going with the hammer. I'm a bit iffy about the colours to chose for him though. Black on orange?

Captain America is a bit of an issue. Doing two coloured stamps is a bit more effort than I'm willing to go into for something like this, and his shield looks better with all three colours. I made a little test of how it would look if I did red on blue. What do you think?

Hydra has a cool symbol, but I'm always a bit iffy about using symbols that are emphatically of the really bad guys. Loki or the Slytherins have redeeming qualities that can make them popular. But would anyone want a Hydra or Death Eater scarf? If I were to do a Hydra scarf I'd do black on red or red on black.

By the way, from the poll on here, the poll on facebook and just asking friends, I have a winner for the Hunderwasser painting I'll put on my wall. When I start painting it, I'll update.

art experiments, poll, apareciumprints, etsy

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