
Nov 17, 2014 00:42

I have been posting too much about my shop and my new craft items. I'm so sorry! It's just that I am stressed and preoccupied with it at the moment. I must try and take a step back and talk about other things too.

Have you been following hd_fanart's fest? There's some gorgeous art over there!

In other news I haven't been sleeping well so I don't really make much sense as I'm just going on autopilot. My mother flies back tomorrow, which means I will be left to my own devices and will probably spiral down into a self-destructive spiral of procrastination brought on by crippling stress and depression. Or if I'm really lucky, I might miraculously snap out of it and start getting shit done!

My aunt and my mother have gone through my gran's clothes and jewellery and picked out what they want to keep and what is gold and has to be estimated and added to her estate. I have chosen two brooches and two cheap necklaces I want to keep. Some time I should go through the left over clothes with my cousin to see if we want a anything. For an old lady my gran was very slim and well-dressed.

By the way, have you all seen my christmas card post?
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