(no subject)

Jun 30, 2014 15:15

Ugh, I know I haven't answered any of you lovely people's comments yet, but I have read and appreciated every one of them. I'm just working like crazy for saturday's market and I'm solo behind schedule.

Case in point, I still haven't finished my logo and decided on a name. And I need to do so I can print business cards to hand out.

This is my black and white logo for the stamp I will have made:

And these are three options of the coloured logo for the business cards. I think I'll go with the flat yellow snitch. Trying to make it look like real gold is a bit too much.




Poll logo design

So since I have had rather iffy reactions to the last shop name I came up with, I have been brainstorming new names. Here goes:

Poll shop name

As for the weird etsy message I mentioned. I haven't replied yet, because I haven't found the time.

poll, etsy

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