I'm so so so tired. But I've been putting this post of for ages and I really got to finally write it damn it!
(By the way, I'm tired because I haven't slept properly in three days. Yesterday I even got up in the middle of the night, fed up, and started taking inventory of my stock from my etsy shops. I am making plans to rent a market stall with a friend, first for a day to see how it goes, and I'm in a frenzy of making stuff. How many of you are in London to come and visit?
I'm also tired because after a frenetic sunday at work, I came home to dye silk scarves and ties. Now my hands are blue, and my shower is a rainbow of wet silk. Cross your fingers that I manage to sell all those ties and scarves! It was a big investment!)
Let's get back on track. Agents of SHIELD. How many of you have seen the first two episodes so far? What do you think? I'm hearing all sorts of stuff. Mainly complaints.
I learnt from
groolover that there are about seven films that prequel the happenings of the series, out of which I have only seen three. The first two Ironmans and the Avengers. I might get round to seeing the others out of curiosity.
Also I am that rare type of sort of geek that hasn't seen Buffy or Firefly so has no opinion on Joss Whedon. I have heard of the verb
to be jossed though, so I am forewarned in that regard.
But I heard all sorts of stuff about the new series and I thought I might as well watch it.
The pilot showed promise in my opinion. It was just setting the scene anyway. I liked agent Coulson, he was fun. I loved Melinda May, sometimes the strong silent type is so much more sexy when it's a mature asian woman. The techie duo where the cutest things ever! I just want to put them in my pocket to carry them around and take them out to watch them bicker. Only quibble was that the girl had too much make-up on for someone who was supposed to be a smart scientist.
But the other two, ugh. Just the thought of all the interminable UST they are going to put us through makes me exhausted. Hacker girl shows some promise, but she's too pretty, it irritates me. She also has too much make-up on. Her hair is too perfect and her clothes too artfully hipster. She's just too Mary-Sue-esque with her fiery temperament, her mad ninja internet skills, her vague morals, her earnestness and blah blah blah. Until she stops being so disgustingly perfect she will irritate me.
Tough agent guy is also rather annoying, but less so, because he pretty obviously isn't perfect. So he has that on her. But still, he's kind of tiresome. And I'm afraid of all the cliche storylines we might get with a character like him. His classic good-looks annoy me less. I think it kind of makes more sense for his character.
Episode two had ups and downs. I realised that Fitz - the male half of the wonderful techie duo - had a beautiful scottish accent. Simmons - the female half - continued to wear too much make-up, put also wore some nice shirts. And both of them continued to be wonderfully smart and nerdy. Melinda May continues on her steady trajectory of increasing awesomeness. See? She's brilliant at what she does, and so so pretty, and doesn't wear too much make-up. It can be done, girls!
The story-line had a number of WTF moments for me. First was tough agent guy grabbing the dangerous alien artefact and running out into the gun-fight with it. What was that about?
Second, bigger, WTF moment was when they let the very pretty military lady with her soldiers into the super-duper high-tech I-thought-it-was-secret airplane slash bus. Are they supposed to be giving random foreign soldiers rides with that thing? I would have though they weren't supposed to show anyone the inside of it! Was all this just because agent Coulson had slept with the pretty military lady? Isn't he more professional than that?
Third, biggest, WTF moment was when they blew out the side of the plane when they were in whatever crazy altitude they were. Is that how physics works? Isn't there an extremely different air pressure between the insides and the outsides of the plane that would make it far more dangerous and drastic than what they showed? And then they just inflated a life-dingy and plugged the hole up? Are we sure that this is how physics and the world that surrounds us works? Or are we supposed to treat the laws of science in this show the same as we treat them in Doctor Who, where he routinely opens the TARDIS door in outer space with no problem?
But I probably will continue to watch it for the adorable techie duo and the awesome Melinda May.
So hit me. What are your thoughts and opinions? I want to know.