Oct 03, 2013 10:24
I should be sending out job applications. I only sent out one yesterday. But there is all this unfinished stuff I really need to finish pronto that is making it hard.
For a while now I have been thinking of changing my name. Not my real name. My online name. Actually one of my online names, because I have so many. I have blogspot and flickr accounts I no longer use under the name foxinsnow, but let's ignore them. I have my etsy shop/website/twitter/flickr under the name inkdoodles. I have a wordpress blog/facebook account/pinterest under my real name. I have a deviantart account under the name lazylinepainterjane. I have multiple accounts on fanfiction archives under the name mayfly. And I have my LJ blog and twitter under the name mayfly_78. It's stupid that my LJ and DA names are different, but there you have it.
I also have an etsy shop under the name mayfly78. A shop that started as a lark, since my real one was going to be the inkdoodles one, but is actually going better, so I am pouring a lot of effort into it. I started with HP and H/D stuff, hence the decision to use the - hopefully - recognisable name. But while the H/D stuff still gets the most views, it gets the least sales. And anyway I have started playing around with different techniques and have branched out into all sorts of other fandoms. One thing I've gained from the etsy experience, is that I have learnt all sorts of new stuff.
I have started making stuff in my fandom shop I can share and show off to RL acquaintances and family. But with the name I currently have, it's easily traceable back to this blog. I could put everything on strict f-lock in the blog, but why do that? Or I could change my etsy name. I don't think the link back to my fanart name is very important anymore.
The reason I am dithering is because etsy will only allow you one name change. Also I have a ton of merchandise with my current etsy name stamped on the back.
What should I do? The name I have been thinking of changing to is LazyLinePainterJane, like my DA name. But I worry it might be too long and confusing. Also I'm not sure if it's taken yet.
Poll Should I change my etsy shop name?