(no subject)

Oct 21, 2011 12:46

Hi, everyone! I hope you guys have been doing better than ever! What's new?

Gosh, I've definitely been missing LJ! Feels like home :D

Here's some of my recent news. I have set up a new personal goal. It's a wee project that I'd like to discuss with you guys, so feel free to drop your comments about it.

My passion for M/M slash and all things yaoi is still going strong. Lately, I've been reading Yaoi novels like there's no tomorrow. And I've found some exceptional gems that really need to be shared with the rest of the world. So I want to fuse my RL with my hobby and start translating them into English.

Now that I've found the first novel I want to tackle, I've looked for some English speaking publishers and found some.

But now I don't know which way to go, like the eternal dilemma of which came first, the chicken or the egg?

I've contacted the Japanese publisher asking for translation permission which hopefully would get a reply from sooner or later. *crosses fingers*

But what next? Should I offer my service to the publishers or finish up the translation first and send it to the publishers and see which one would be interested? Or is it common for them to have established trasnlation agreements or some such?

I’m not quite sure how this works. *hmm* Does any of you have any theory? *hehe*

I just started the translation, so there’s a long road ahead of me (it gets interrupted by my RL, too), but so far so good. I’m enjoying it and hopefully I can find a way to fulfill my personal goal.
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