action post

Oct 17, 2010 01:26

[Grady does not often leave the police station; he spends most of his time locked away in its confines, his activities a mystery.

Today is not one of those times. Grady can be found all over town: searching for someone, it seems. At times, he stands perfectly still for up to ten minutes, staring intensely at a wall or a building or a landmark as if hoping to find some unseen clue there. At other times, he's swiftly on the move, moving faster than a man of his girth should have any right to. Both of these instances are usually met by a scowl, a muttered curse, and then his disappearing into thin air.

Every so often a drone crosses his path and attempts to make conversation. Within moments, these drones find their hair set on fire, their shoes filled with razorblades, or their clothing beginning to strangle them, and cheerfully walk away to go fix the problem. PCs who attempt to speak to him, get within twenty feet of him, or otherwise bother him find themselves automatically droned for ten minutes; just long enough for him to be long gone by the time they get back. If he has any issue with characters watching him from a distance, he does not show it.

At one point, should any characters care to observe it, Grady stands outside the Smith household for twenty minutes, staring at the front door. It is the middle of the day; Lucy and Billy Smith are at school, Jack Smith is at work, but every so often Jane Smith's figure passes by a window in the midst of busy housework.

During these times, Grady's face seems different somehow. Younger, perhaps. His mood is difficult to discern- thoughtful? Sad? Annoyed? Calculating? Whatever the emotion, it is remarkably human.

After a while, he turns and leaves, and the hunt continues.]
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