(no subject)

Nov 23, 2009 22:35

Who: Alphonse Elric and Van Hohenheim, open to anyone else in the house
What: Alphonse arrives (again?) and discovers that this time, hey, he has a BODY NOW.
When: November 23rd
Where: The Hohenheims house
Warnings: Uuuhm PG just to be safe? Surely nothing more than PG-13.

Al came to with a little moan, opening his eyes and blinking against the light. He lifted his hand to shield his eyes while he adjusted to the brightness.

Then he paused. And blinked again. His eyes went impossibly wide as he stared at his hand. His hand. It was skin. Gasping in shock, Al brought his hands down to grasp at his hair. He had hair. Not only that, but he could feel it slipping through his fingers.

Al lowered his hands and gripped the blanket underneath him tightly. It was soft.

Leaping out of the bed so fast, Al lost his balance and fell to the floor with an 'oomph!'. His knees banged against the floor and his hands smacked down so hard that it hurt.

Al let out a half laugh, half sob. It hurt. He could feel the pain. He had his body back. He wasn't sure how just yet and he didn't recognize where he was but that didn't matter right now because he was back in his body.

The fourteen year old jumped to his feet and tore out the door until he came across a bathroom. Jerking to a stop and ducking inside, Al froze in front of the mirror, just... staring at himself.

He looked... healthy. Older. Like he had grown while he was inside the Gate. But... but Ed had said that he'd looked emaciated when his brother had seen him in the Gate...

Al slowly raised a hand up to gently touch his face, running his fingers over his eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, and hair in amazement.

alphonse elric, mimi miney, van hoenheim

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