Polls Open: 1669 Nelson Street

Nov 08, 2009 21:24

Who: Democratic-minded Mayfield residents.
What: Casting their ballots in mayoral elections.
When: Until 8 PM EST November 13
Where: 1669 Nelson Street
Warnings: Isn't it more fun as a surprise ( Read more... )

america, rio takeuchi, robo kaito, sousuke sagara, sophie jenkins, chidori kaname, england, lemony snicket, akako koizumi, kusanagi kyo

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Comments 65

glockblock November 9 2009, 06:42:46 UTC
"Stop ruining the yard, Sousuke." "AUUUGH, MY HOUSE!!" "Dig up those mines!" These were words of those who were not prepared for the worst of circumstances. And now, just as Sousuke had predicted would happen in the future, his own house was under attack by terrorists. The entire thing was up in flames but Sousuke successfully got Chidori out of the house and shoved her in the not even nearly done trench in the yard. Sousuke was particularly displeased that he was only equipped with non-lethal rounds in his shotgun but it would have to do for the moment.

To put it simply, to get to Chidori, they would have to go through him. And this is where the obligatory shotgun cocking goes.


glockslap November 9 2009, 07:41:09 UTC
"Wha-- wha-- whaaa!" Unceremoniously thrown into a muddy trench, having been yanked out of the house in the middle of her nightly routine, Chidori was far from pleased. But it was times like these that she was glad Sousuke was around, or she would've been served extra crispy.

Something fishy was definitely going down. She hadn't heard anyone enter the house, but she knew whatever was looming in the living room, barely visible through the smoke hadn't been there when she got home from "school", or during dinner.

"Sousuke, what's going on!? And where's Mr. Monk...?" Slightly distressed, but she hadn't had too long to really get settled here to forget how to deal with Unexpected Terrorism and Violent Actions.


glockblock November 9 2009, 09:28:06 UTC
"Mr. Monk's location is currently unknown and we must presume he is MIA. Your protection is top priority so we cannot go searching for him."

Sousuke peered up over the hole and spotted the drones hanging out in his yard. They had inevitably attracted one or two so Sousuke did what came natural. He took aim with hit shotgun and shot them in the head. The non-lethal rounds easily caused concussions and instant knockouts. At a close enough range, they could cause death but Sousuke was being careful.


glockslap November 9 2009, 10:42:46 UTC
If you have never heard someone whisper a shriek, then you'd be in for a surprise when Chidori somehow managed it, whipping around to face Sousuke and grabbing his shirt. "What are you doing!? Those are citizens! You can't just shoot people!"

She looked around, peeking out of the shallow trench to get her bearings again. For such a peaceful little town, it was suddenly eerie and foreign-- they didn't belong here, of course, and she hadn't forgotten, but...

It seemed nice enough, until they figured their way home. Everyone was nice, and there were people abducted from their hometowns as well, just like them. It was a bit outdated, but it seemed like a quaint town, where the mischief kids got up to was innocent enough, and everyone had one of those satisfying, calm lives like on TV. Things had changed so drastically that she couldn't keep up, and could only manage to cling onto Sousuke again, waiting for him to save her like always.


is_an_island November 9 2009, 08:47:56 UTC
It was the stupidest idea in the world--there were surely more voting places than this, and they were surely not burning, but--this whole town had gone to rot, and as long as this was America's soil, then he'd hope that voting would kick that lardy idiot off his title, even if it meant giving it to another.

Which was why he was yanking off the back door gingerly, where the polling booths visibly stood through the path of flickering flames. And these booths in this house better not be the only ones, if his vote went up in flames.


glockblock November 9 2009, 10:13:55 UTC
One person that was undrone-like was trying to slip into his house. At least, that's what he spotted while peering around the corner. What if this was the culprit? The real terrorist mastermind. Sousuke decided to step around the side of the house and aim his shotgun at the perpetrator before he escaped inside. He cocked it, giving a clear warning sound.

"Identify yourself."


eldest_hatter November 9 2009, 13:53:20 UTC
Sophie followed after England, looking quite tired of this whole mess, and certainly did not appreciate having a gun pointed at her. She frowned at Sousuke as she stepped next to England.

"Sousuke it's me, Sophie and this is Arthur Kirkland, or England."


mysilenceknot November 9 2009, 20:54:35 UTC
The first smell of gas had sent him running out of the house. Then...O Lord the flames... why fire, why more fire?

He notes a familiar face...why is she by the fire?... Going against all of his better instincts he walks over quicky to thr group of people...



/breaking hiatus for this log, feel proud Mayfield! ms_scarletwitch November 9 2009, 15:27:47 UTC
"Well... I have heard about America and their fiery passion for voting... but that's new."

Akako watched from her door as the house down the street went up in flames. She could feel the heat from her front steps. And considering the smell in the air... it wouldn't be long until the whole street went up in flames. Stupid Americans, always finding ways to ruin everything.

She grabbed the broom that she used for Halloween and rushed out into the streets for 1669. After all, as a citizen, she had as much right as any to vote.... plus she could check to make sure everyone was okay. Not like she cared about others... no. She didn't want to deal with these people's souls when they died.


mayfield_mods November 10 2009, 18:17:21 UTC
Akako is able to get into the building all right, though the drones watch her ominously. The polling place is the only thing in the house that is not burning.


ms_scarletwitch November 10 2009, 19:08:29 UTC
With a fine layer of sweat on her brow, she rushed into the burning building. Akako noticed others running in and out, taking their lead and following their trail. As quickly as she could, she vote for the previous mayor. Change was good and all but if the Milkman was the root of all these new problems, she could very well live without them.

As soon as she placed her vote, she headed back out. Seems as if the main path everyone was taking was the safest. She only has to dodge a stray fireball.

Her hair was full of soot and her throat felt as if it was covered in ash. Never, ever, again will she want to live through a terrible ordeal like that. The girl looked down at her hands; they were a bit blistered from the heat. And her poor weapon...

"Tsk.... the bristles have been burnt. That was a waste of a fine broom..."


mayfield_mods November 11 2009, 18:49:20 UTC
[Akako has cast her vote for The Mayor. She may notice a sticker suddenly attached to her clothing:

... )


fist_of_flames November 10 2009, 05:47:26 UTC
From the former pyrokinetic user himself, this sucked. Sure he was finally out and about but the gas leak in this street almost made him gag and the burning house not too far from where he stood is definitely not a good sign.

"Good god." he said to himself while looking for this voting house. "This is going to give me a headache. Just where is this house supposed to be at--", but that's when he noticed that the signs were pointing to the house on fire.

The house on fire. So not only did he had to get close to one burning building, he'll have to go inside another one just to make a stupid vote?! Well of course the one thing that comes to mind would come out of his mouth. "Oh you've got to be kidding me! What the hell is up with that?!"

On one hand, he'll have a feeling that things might not go so well if he didn't do it. On the other hand, the house is on fire. "Dammit, I better get something out of this mess! I did not walk through a flooded street just to deal with this crap ( ... )


mayfield_mods November 10 2009, 18:18:46 UTC
[Kyo has cast his vote for The Mayor. He may notice the sudden appearance of a sticker on his clothing.

... )


moemoebomber November 10 2009, 05:56:46 UTC
Rio moved at a steady pace towards the nearest polling booth. It didn't take her very long to realize it was on fire, but instead of shying away, she merely paused a moment to get a handkerchief ready before continuing on. It was one thing for God to move his pawns as he did back in her world, but for humans to cause such things as acid rain and gas leaks for no apparent reason other than the suffering of all... well, put simply, Rio was Not Happy.

As she neared the back of the house, she raised the handkerchief to her face, ready to press it over her mouth and nose once she got close enough. Despite the rumors about people resurrecting, she did not wish to test the hypothesis out.

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for making the dash inside...


mayfield_mods November 10 2009, 18:18:05 UTC
Rio is able to get inside, although the drones outside watch her ominously. Inside, everything is burning, but the polling place remains safe and intact.


moemoebomber November 11 2009, 01:54:50 UTC
Holding the handkerchief firmly over her nose, she ran for the polling place and put down her vote for the Mayor without hesitation. Mission complete, she turned to escape the burning building, finding the heat less than comfortable. Once she was completely out, she took a deep breath of the fresh air, glad to have made it out in one piece.


mayfield_mods November 11 2009, 18:50:06 UTC
[Rio has cast her vote for The Mayor. She may notice a sticker suddenly attached to her clothing:

... )


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