High School Rider 101: Kamen Rider Fourze!

Oct 09, 2011 19:03

Because I can talk about different stuff and before the autumn season begins, here's a mini review of the latest Kamen Rider Series.
Someday I'll get into W and OOO. XD;;

Once that you chew the concept you might like it. Because it's like The Breakfast Club in space. Because it comememorates the moon expeditions, that's why it has this NASA vibe. also, the High School setting it's for all this Seishun thing. So we'll expect a lot of values like  friendship and stuff.

We have the guy with the knowledge but lacks the force to be a Rider. I see dark past here. Pssst, his dad isn't dead, will end being the big bad !

We have the determined guy to be the rider, and if we get poetic, he might haver the heart to be it. He's just in learnig phase.
Question how he can enter the secret base if he doesn't own a switch? Is the secret base for general access? Or because -of course- he's special he can enter?
I knew I've seen him somewhere, he was in Umareru, probable was Nakajima Kento's friend or something.

We have the uber genki girl who knows things. Even a secret handshake! ansd she can teach you how to do a Henshin! properly. (Though the voice is a bit annoying >.>;;)

And we have some cliché characters:

The muscle guy and the popular of course, cheerleader girl. Yes, this is supposedly a japanese show, I don't know WTF. But look! Halfs are represented in this show!

Though I liked their minion, Miura-kun. xD

We have the gloomy girl, who seems to be in the Otaku crew. You just need to over use the eyeliner, use a goth loli skin in your ipad  and you're all set. But she won me being a Kamen Rider fangirl! I love how then can autoreference like that, making a Kamen Rider an urban legend. XDD

Also we have a gay cheery fooly character. He only need to say Subara-C! <--Extra points if you get the reference! XD

I'm a bit confused with the concept, because they seem to team against the outerspace baddies, so it looks a bit sentai to me, but whatever.
And Taki Seiji as a suit actor is always amazing. Because he can be expresive and makes me think of Momotaros braggy self. ;____;

The bike is kinda cool but I still mis Nago-san's bike XDD but this one can propell to space. O.O

It amazes me how the highschool teacher looks as young as the students, but oh well. I'm just jealous of the cuteness. XDD

So far, entertaining.

kr fourze, toku talk

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