The music we make when we make love

Sep 14, 2011 16:35

Because my "Uno" link has died, I'm gonna elaborate about Benny.

(If you were wondering, yes, he's tall and lanky. XD;;)

He's the son of two 60's rocker and belong to a family involved in acting and TV producing. He along a bunch of kids of other actor and producers/Tv executives formed the band Timbiriche, which was an umportant music along the 80's-90's.
Some of them have become solo artists like Paulina Rubio, Thalía and Benny being the more successful of them. (but if you don't know them, the better xD)
But that's a matter of another big big post.

In the 80's, fandom wasn't like it is now. But in Timbiriche the front guys were always Sasha and Benny and when they starred Grease together the audience went mad. Management always aimed for pairing them when probably they only see themselves as brothers but we ate it all. XD;;
And then Benny went to Boston to study music and aimed for a solo career in the 90's.
He married young with a hateful model, but you can't deny she's his inspiration source and even when they almost break up, they have lasted over 15 years and that's something in the entertainment business.
But he is still the boyfriend of a generation. I mean my mom gushes over him, B-sempai adores him, as me and my sisters. XD;;

Probably his songs are really sappy but  they're really beautiful yet simple songs.

When Benny released "Cada mañana" (Every morning) it was the fangirl dream come true.
Because in that video even Sasha looks decent before within addictions. XD

And then stupid youtube don't let me embed the vid. D< Stupid Warner Music.

Cada mañana
entre mis brazos te encuentro
y cada mañana
siento tu piel que acaricio
y no puedo esconder
que quiero amanecer en ti

Every morning
I find you in my arms
and every morning I feel your skin I'm caressing
and I can't hide
that I want to wake up within you <--ok, another translations is more graphic.

Cada mañana
entre una sabana y otra
hay un milagro
que está respirando a mi lado
y me hace tan feliz
que seas la dueña de mi amor

Every morning
between the sheets
there's a miracle
that it's breathing by my side
and makes me so happy
tat my love belongs to you

Y así me pierdo en ti
yo dejo de existir
final sin sol
la luz de nuestro amor
y una canción
la musica que hacemos cuando hacemos el amor

And lost myself in you
I stop existing
and ending without sunlight
the light of our love
and a song
of music we make when we make love

Cada mañana
me enseñaré a quererte
como si fuera nuestra primera vez
y nunca olvidaré
lo bello que es amarte

Every morning
I'll teach myself to love you
like the first time
and I'll never forget
the beauty of loving you

Y así perdido en ti
aprenderé a amar
y a vivir
un eterno amanecer
que sin medir
nos llene de placer cada mañana
hasta morir...

And lost myself in you
I'll learn to love
and to live
an eternal dawn
whithout measure
that fill us with pleasure every morning
until death...

music, me-xi-co!, sharing, weird references

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