Random Eito dramas babble

May 08, 2010 13:55

After my milk and cookies breakfast (;D <3<3<3<3) I decided to post this aside the new drama season review, so you can ignore the flailing of this post.

Thoughts on Hidarime Tantei EYE finale:

I believe they went all for the final episodes. everything happened on the finally and it was good yet loltastic.
We got to see Yumehito's real motivation to mess with Ainosuke. I never made a decent post of Ren'Ai Shindan, but it serves the purpose to explain how the japanese mind functions in terms of hatred and vengeance, they really take a intrincated way to follow their purpose. O.O
Also you can see it on High School dramas in which the best friend turns against the lead because of a grudge from the past.
There are things like therapy, you know. And if you love your brother, man up on it!!
(I'm trying to not spoil you, as if you really would watch! XD;;)

Of course there some involuntary humor: Yoko's Evil Grin(TM), though I admit he dressed quite stylish for the finale. XDD

And that it's good that Yamada is still a bit chubby for the Jimusho's standards, because he barely could carry Yoko (and he was dieting!). XDD

I can't tell if there are some things left out because of time constricts or it's because of the fansub, because there should've been a link between the landlord and Yumehito's gang. And who's was for real the Super Evil mastermind woman? O.o

Mother's day is round the corner, so decided to watch the SP Arigato, Okan.

This SP honors the Osakan woman's character by Hanako's portray, a woman in charge of a foster home and Yukiya (Subaru) and Taro (Hina) are about to begin his life as adults. While Taro is still around the nest out of gratitude for his okan (though he mess up big time when his real mother appears), Yukiya decides to pursue his dream of become a musician, then Oh, conflict!, he holds a grudge because Hanako doesn't encourage him, but her reason to not do so is that as she has to make him a "responsible" and "useful to the society" adult, she can't cheer on him recklessly. >>;; Yeah.
Drama ensues as well, because Hanako's biological daughter (Toda Erika)  wants for once all the attention for herself, along the demise of the family business, so Hanako ends giving up on foster caring, but don't worry! there will be a happy end!
Man, this totally compete with all our teary suffering mother movies. This totally deserve the Marga López Award. XD

Of course I watched for Subaru, who looked really handsome and he can do the tortured caracter as well. He must have a bit of acting talent, because he really isn't his usual self (thanks a lot, wardrobe people to make him look so so fine ^////^) and well, even when he played lots of stereotypes: the emo kid, the drunk jackass (minus point for hitting the pregnant girlfriend!), but he gets better in the end and believes in family love!!11

It's all about the kicked puppy look.

The angry look

And the doting parent look. Yes, he can reproduce himself! Parenthood changes people, you know.

I don't get how Hina and toda Erika hit it off along this drama, because she doesn't appear as much, but oh well. XD;;
Also is on the show Lil'Kato Seishiro who does what he does better: steal scenes, such a talented kid! ^^

Finally, Uchi Hiroki's mini series in which he returned after his suspension: Isshun no kaze ni Nare.
Or I'd prefer to name it Seigaku's Track and Field team

Look at the uniforms! They even got an Akaya brat!! XDD

Uchi is Kageyama Shinji, a high schooler who tries the track and field team to not be at his brother's shadow, who is a pro soccer player. 

And happens to be Nishikido Ryo. Yes, I laughed too. I'm still laughing, because come on, brothers?
Aside the fact that I don't get this RyoUchi thing. I see them and just. not.
This is a small series of 4 episodes based in a manga in which we see the struggle of the track and field team to reach the nationals.
There's some familiar drama as Ken-chan (Ryo's character) suffers an accident and Uchi is all guilty about it, blahblahblah, but his teammates manage to get him back.

A High School series must have a love interest. When Kamiya graduates from the team, he'll be able to finally date this girl, at least she likes him back, if the glomp speaks enough. XDDD

Co starred in this one: Endo Yuya and igarashi Shunji, btw.
As it aired in february, it must've been a nightmare to film in shorts with such weather. A couple months later, Uchi starred Osen.
Damn, Now I feel like rewatching, because of the food. And Mukai Osamu.

Side notes:
* This happy KTTUN is too good to be true, at least I can listen to the 70% of GOING!, and I can't believe that I care more for Kisumai's backdancing even when I don't even like them. But if they're doing covering Hikaru GENJI songs in rollerskates as well, they muste be good. XDD 
* I hope somebody translates the small clip of last week's Janiben in which Shota's rear was molested even though it was said it was pretty and to see the full of extent of Subaru's brain hemispheres fail (and was he wearing his piercing that day?).

je i want my brain back, jdramas, the insanity of k8 fandom, myuboys

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