A question Levi wish she hasn't made: Kanpani

Apr 15, 2010 19:04

Kanpani is a short series of 25 episodes that last about 12 minutes in which the members of Kanjani 8 try to succeed at many challenges.
It's so low budget that Wario might be proud: a white set in which all the memebers wear jerseys and everything is quite minimalistic.

Some are brainstorming to answer questions, for example, odd objects trying to identify what are they for. They have to answer in teams or as a whole and the one who "gets the most in the way" to get the right answer, gets a flour/water shower.

GIF courtesy of bibi_neko  (And well, yes, there's a lot of Tacchon screencapping ^^;;)

Or something like that, because there are only subs for the first 4 episodes and the rest aren't so I'm making lots of assumptions.

Like the shiritori (or something like that) but I didn't got it much of it, and I suppose it was pretty difficult to draw backwards the characters, that led to many failures. ^^;;

There are many kind of challenges:

My favorites are the eating contests.

They have to take turns to eat assorted stuff (oden, spicy food, ice cream) in ten minutes.

Though there are some people who doesn't complain much about it. ^^;;

It was particularly amusing seeing how Subaru passed over some kind of mushroom in the oden episode, so Nishikido took his turn. >>;; (I don't have that episode around so no screencap)

And in the spicy food one, it was pretty scary watching them eating stuffed habaneros. I mean, Habaneros are SRS business!! DD:

Another favorite: drawing contests

The first on the line has an assigned subject and the guy next has to do the same drawing and the last one guess what is it.

In this occaasion, they have to do the drawing in a limit time in one stroke, they can't pull out the pen off the board.

Unfortunately, it leads to many artistic licenses and failure.

As you can see.

And says a lot about their perception of things, thought I think it's rare to find in JE someone good at drawing.

Another version is one in which the first on the line has to sing a song about how to draw the object.
I'm pretty lost on this one, is it a regular kiddie's song or something? We don't have something like that. O.o

Of course it leads to mayhem as well.

Or if you have an easy drawing, you can fill the song's tune with lalala's, like Nishikido did:

[BTW, I want to ask: I took these screencaps in my desk's PC, but I don't know why all of them come with the colors altered, which menu I have to fiddle around to make them normal like the others? O.o]

Another favorite: shadow charades

In teams, they have to guess a bunch of words.


And here you can see they interpretation of "M" :

and it worked.

Believe it or not, I haven't seen all of them, but they definitely cheer me up on and the ads that come with the raw sometimes can be interesting.
Yes, I'm into mindless entertainment now. -_________-

je i want my brain back, the insanity of k8 fandom

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