Points on KR DCD 9&10

Apr 10, 2009 18:55


* Before you forget, this is show about morals and stuff. Seems that the writers see Yusuuke's calling as moral advisor. >>;;
It's curious the fact that Yuusuke believes in Tsukasa, even when Tsukasa is clueless about why do things, probably he was allowed to travel around to elighten him.
I'm seriously wondering if DCD is like this Samantha Who show and Tsukasa was far more obnoxious than he actually is so this time is his chance to make things right and learning something while he jumps worlds. >>;;

*And of course I suspect he has some fetishes around or he's really into pimping business.

*Finally Yusuke has some action in this EP!!! (I wonder if Suzuhiro did his own bike stunts! XDD)

*Tsukasa's  mission is to evolve as a Pokémon is gonna get difficult as things are coming back to him. Seems like trouble time!

BUT on our next EP:

Takkun will apear!!1 ^////^

And amusing tennis times (and bad hair times too). >>;;

But actually, this post is only about Takkun acting skillz on Ep 20. XDD
(And wait a sec, is that Miura-kun?)


DIEND is officially the second rider for this series, as he's already in the credits on the OP. :O
Seems that Murai is only going to be a comic relief and member of the Scooby Gang with Natsumikan. :(  (that skanko bat might be the annoying Scrappy-Doo >>;;)

Following my previous theory, Tsukasa is out of balance with this new guy who seems to know all about him and apparently has the same mission. Let's not egt deep in the sea cucumber thing. >>;;

Wonder where I've see this first. XDD Tenipuri times are loltastic.

*Takkun as a big bad is loltastic too. Yukimura would have a fit (of giggles, I assume) if he were to see his form.
I don't know shit about tennis but I can recognize bad form when I see it, but this role might take him close to tenimyu.
Now we have to work on his voice to make a good Inui and pimp him out. :D

*Somebody should say to the continuity guys to be coherent with the stunts for characters, don't you think, Takkun's orphenoc stunt is shorter than him and the other orphenoc stunt was taller when the actor was shorter than Takkun. ^^;;
Yes, I'm paying attention to stupid details because I haven't seen FAIZ. XD;;

*Could it be that with Faiz the saga of wimp riders was inaugurated?

*Look, scary!! XDD (Obvs, i say that with all the endearment possible. XD;;)

*This DIEND suite makes me think of transformers, you know? ^^;; And Wait a fucking sec: Kamen Rider Rey? He can summon secondary/alrternate riders? O.o

*What I love of the evil guys suits, it's that you can see the zippers. XDDD
It must be because of those wrestling movies. ^^;;

That was DIEND of Takkun's role. ;_____;

Apparently, the premise of this series is that wins the one who gets more cards. Yaaay. >>;;

kr dcd, crushes made of fail, pureboys, toku talk

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