Before the next laptop apocalypse: Your laughing guide to KR Kiva 14!

May 31, 2008 19:30

Of course I know I'm way behind and possibly this will be so old news, but I'm mostly determined in covering this series and show Katokei screencaps among other things.

Because of some RL problems last month and crappy connection I'm delayed, so bear with me, anonymous lurkers.
I'll try to catch up as soon as possible, if my laptop decides to cooperate reading my episode files and the connection allows me to upload the screencaps.
So without further ado, here we go!

In this episode:

Our Fangire feeds on passionated souls dreamers, Wataru makes it personal and IXA meets Constructor Bob!

While Wataru and Kengo keep bonding, Nago is sulking about his defeat. His sense of denial involves blaming IXA for not being strong enough. >.> I have a word for that: Therapy.

And is notified about a new weapon for IXA.

As always, Otoya/Yuri antics are the funniest thing ever! But Otoya does have body issues caused by IXA system.

Also, he has a little fight with Jiro, but don't worry, there won't be screencaps of a Henshin sequence with Kampai! moves.

Trying to protect Kengo, Wataru get the cold shoulder from his friend, he had enough bullying with some dirt throwed over him, so no screencap for that.

On the other hand, Nago meets his new weapon:

a bulldozer!! (Made by Flintstone & Co.) >.>;;

When Wataru knows about Fangire's evil plans, he goes a bit unleashed and Dogga hammer makes his debut!

He isn't himself when he gets mad! XD And still love all the different body moves for each Rider.

Back in 1984, is not that Jiro is cheating needing Ramona to beat Otoya, it's just that he's prepared for the worst. And with a little help from his friends, Jiro recovers IXA system.

In our next episode: A little bit of romance, a supposedly important character and alliances on the road!

FINALLY!! TakiEiji crumbs!! And Megu-chan almost didn't had any lines.
When Ramon speaks about bearing babies, that's creepy. I don't care if he claims he's 105 years old. >.>;;
If Kengo is attacked by our villain and Kiva goes into the rescue, will this leave the possibility for Kengo to know about Wataru's secret identity?

kr kiva, toku talk

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