Definitely this made my day

May 25, 2008 14:18

Give me Pureboys, Beatles a retro style, cheesyness and you have me all squailing and flailing.

This is 1000,00000 times better than "Kampai..." and beyond any dorkery:

(I'd love to post more caps but the connection sucks :( You should be able to see Ouji's cheesyness!)

inarikami!!! <3<3<3<3

(And because you asked:

I almost lost lunchtime but I managed to DL the vids before they went down!!! ^^

This is another step on Pureboys (to where, I don't know). This ensemble is still a shoutout but know we can see the band members more as themselves (Kouhei has lots of fun with it), and well, maybe serve as platform or the newest members. Still getting used to the new member.

And scared Lil'sis again. (Like she has the morals, she likes BSB >.>;;)

fangasm, pureboys

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