And as the Big Bad Wolf, I stayed myself perplex...

Feb 28, 2008 23:27

When I was a kid, I had some Disney stories in LPs, way before the audiobooks in tapes were released. Yes, I'm that old, thank you very much. So I had "The three little pigs" and "Pinocchio" and my favorite part was when the Big Bad Wolf was perplex because he couldn't blow down Practical's house. ^^;;
And I'm reacting just the same at what seems PoT's finale.

I'll see tomorrow if Konomi made Yukimura lose decently or not, but I still believe there's a lot to say about tenipuri and as a big merch phenomenon, we still have canon to work on, myus and ovas to squee with, as general stuff as official merch, fanart, doujinshis and  fics. Depending on how further we keep this tenipuri love, it 'll  be everlasting.

And I'm grateful with Konomi-sensei, because he made me look to this sport full of gayness, his lovable characters and meet wonderful people on the way. ^^

Anyway, today's Den invasion was planned as a muffin sharing night, 'cause I tried Minky's recipe, with some modifications, because we don't have vanilla yoghurt here, so I settled for natural yoghurt and extra vanilla. ^^;;

Introducing my cellphone's camera, behold!! XD

I don't know how to name the cellphone yet, but it has a grumpy Shishido-san vibe (or is it the owner?), so maybe it will be its name.
And until now I realized that I didn't bought the 5200, which is cheaper. ::facepalms::

But also I wanted to catch up in fic reading and work, but do a Fandom Roundabout!

Pure factory 5
If Kei-chan was on a previous one, I missed it. Maybe the benefit of having a couple of guys on the show is that they have a chance to be themselves without sharing space with the rest of the group, the interaction is more relaxed and it gives them extra point in castings.
It was good to see Kei-chan joking and finally talking, or maybe he gave on his shy spot onto Hiro-chan.
Masei is dork love. ^^b
Again, I don't know what is happening, don't ask me. But what in the hell are doing in the segment with the Dragon Ball theme?!? Something about the handsome...

Because Kivat isn't the only fanged one this season: RH+
Seems like a late night drama and is based on a BLmanga. Also it has Fujita Ray (he appears until EP 3, Mura).
So inmmortal ones making good deeds (insert "Princes of the universe" song, please), and crossdressing as a bonus. Don't know who actors are there, don't ask.
Ray has a new haircut so you wont mistake him with his big bad character in Fuma no Kojirou and I've seen the light, Mura!! He might be Chitose for Shitenmyu, where do we sign the suscription form? XD

I'm a cheater and I DLed the raw for KR Kiva 5:
(Just for you I'm breaking my layout, Mura!!  o:D)

Yes, this is Wataru's mental theater...

More Katokei ;) Duckie (I mean, Shinoda-san) makes a nice fangire, the wardrobe staff bought more pants for Seto, and begins the stupid idea to have splitted episodes, so every adventure/mission/task will happen in 2 episodes. :P
A hint for
ellipsesbandit: Zanki-sama+leather pants = you'll be satisfied. ;)
How tall is he? he's taller than Kouhei and seems more built, so does more justice to the rider suit. And I'm getting a Hibiki craving. Damn.
And yes, this is my official announcement that I'm into the show. ^^;;

And when I'm seeing happily Kane-chan's Natural Face vol. 4's screencaps and boasting at Tohui that he looks manly in the canoe, he says: "Of course! His canoe waters down, see?"
As chauvinistic as we're, there's a colloquial saying, somebody's canoe waters down when is gay... >.>

pandadventures, genius, picspam, pot, delicatessen

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