Your laughing guide to KR Kiva: EP 4!

Feb 25, 2008 21:18

The show seems to go somewhere this week, maybe I'm getting used to it, or I was in a better mood this week, you choose.

I wonder: does Wataru has at least 2 or 3 red pants? Because I see different tops... but not pants, until his action scene, when he suddenly wears purple pants. >>;;;
And the same goes for Katokei:

In this episode:

Wataru fanboys over Nago-san (I mean Katokei), he gets some advice

and a bit of coolness on fighting against crime XD

I do believe that Kouhei has the potential for his role , maybe Wada can do it too, but Kouhei gives an amusing touch to it.

Also I'm liking the way Nago-san's character is lined, he doesn't seems THAT nice at all. :D

Another less fugly jacket ^^

What we learned today: Always fear woman's hatred. Poor Wataru's he's got his ass kicked pretty bad.
I won't say anything about the Garuru Saber... I'll focus instead on the Nessie building who will have some Fangire lunch today XD;;

And we have our second rider, who has a cool Henshin sequence but his saber look too cuute!! ^///^

and his Garuru Attack is a bit hilarious >>;; (you can't say the suit actor isn't trying to be diverse on his moves)

On our next episode:

If the rumours are true, Shinoda-san is gonna be there! (^_^)b

Will Nago-san have his first Henshin scene?!?!?!

ellipsesbandit will be pleased, more Zanki-sama on the road!

The doubt of the week: will all this Wataru/Megumi/Nago become a triangle?

I suspect my interrogative phrasing is a bitt off, sorry, I'm a bit busy at the moment but I wanted to post anyway ^^;;

kr kiva, pureboys, toku talk

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