
Jan 05, 2009 16:26

So those prompt fics, yes? One of them was for a SPN/SGA crossover, and when I asked for further prompting there was something about John and/or Ronon meeting the boys when they are young because of some sort of weird phenomenon, and oh gah you guys, this is rapidly turning into a MASSIVE CRACK CROSSOVER OF DOOOOOOOM. But I have to write it now, I swear. So much for my whole wonderful plan of writing one prompt fic every day until they're done. GUYS, I'M READING SGA FICS JUST TO BONE UP ON MY JOHN CHARACTERIZATION. I'm doing research for a prompt fic.

Dang it.

Rodney told him not to go in that room. He told him more than once, probably, but John couldn’t remember for sure. There had been something about abnormal readings and sciency crap and Zelenka hanging at his elbow with those enormous eyes, nodding along, very serious, all Don’t go in that room, it’s a very bad idea.

But c’mon. It was just a dinky little closet thing. A cute dinky little closet thing with some kind of engravings on the wall, not a transport, John was sure, not remotely like that. And it called to him, he was positive. And sometimes you just had to check out the closet, you know? So he did.

And that was when he realized that Rodney and Zelenka probably knew what they were talking about, after all.

fanfic, sga, supernatural

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