SPN Gen Author Recs

Jan 05, 2009 10:04

Supernatural gen authors…oh how I love them. And there are a lot of really good ones. Seriously, this fandom has such an embarrassment of riches when it comes to amazing fic and amazing people. You can’t throw a brick around here without hitting something outstanding, heartbreaking or hilarious or beautiful or wrenching.

I made a rec post a long time ago and kept meaning to do another. But every time I started to get settled with my mental list, I would discover another amazing writer, and another, and another, and the perfectionist in me wanted a complete list, so I just kept putting it off.

Well, forget that. I’m going to go ahead and put down as many as I can, and keep making more rec posts like this, because I am certain to forget a dozen amazing writers in this list, and I haven’t even discovered dozens more. I’m not stopping, though. This is to say, then, that if you’re a gen SPN writer and you’re not on this list, that doesn’t mean you’re not amazing. It means that I am a spaz and still a newbie.

These are writers who do mostly gen, because that’s what I mostly read and like, but a lot of them do other stuff, too. These are also writers whose view of the characters mainly lines up with mine, so no abusive John, no OTT weepy emo Sam, no incredibly dickish Dean. I’ve read a significant portion of their libraries, and I guarantee that you can scroll through their master lists and click any story at random, and it will be awesome. Some of these folks are well-known and some are not, but I admire all of them. Some of them I also consider to be my personal friends, and some I worship from afar. All are incredible.

smilla02 has a gorgeous style and an amazing grasp of character. Her stories are simultaneously cinematic in imagery and incredibly intimate. I love everything she does.

dotfic is always, always good. If she posts it, I’ll read it, even if it’s in fandoms I have no other interest in seeking out. Great turn of phrase, excellent characterization. I especially love her Weechester stories, but everything she does is good.

moonshayde makes me absolutely jealous with her awesome plots. Always so creative and original, and the characters feel true to themselves no matter how nutty the situation is. Always a joy to read.

superbadgirl’s stories always feel like episodes, but BETTER. She has an amazing ability to get into the heads of both Sam and Dean. No matter which POV she’s currently writing, you know exactly what’s going on with both of them, and you ache for them both.

tahirire has such compassion and love for every single character on the show, and it really shines through in her fics. Even if you hate Ruby or Jo or anyone else on the show, you will love them in her fics. Or fear them, if that’s appropriate. :D Her stories make me a very happy fangirl.

july_july_july is…oh man, I’m going to have pull out even more superlatives for this lady. She is AWESOME. Fantastic grasp of the mythology of the show, superb characterization, intriguing and interesting plots. Even when the structure of the story is odd, I still get it, which doesn’t always follow automatically. I love everything she does. (I’ve been saying that a lot, haven’t I?)

erinrua’s stories feel like their own little worlds, self-contained and beautiful. Her descriptions are always so beautiful and arresting, putting you right there. It should go without saying that her plots and characterizations are just as wonderful.

pdragon76’s Sam and Dean are such MEN. Harsh and funny and very, very badass. After reading her stories, I feel a little ashamed of my own sometimes-sappy SamnDean. But that’s good-it only pushes me to do better next time. She also has a wicked-sharp turn of phrase, and you may find yourself reading certain sentences over and over just to enjoy the rhythm and the style.

may7fic writes awesome Dean and John fics, mostly, but all her characters are great. Her fics always have some kind of point, some kind of thinkiness, and it's always, always cool and interesting. And, of course, you know how I feel about well-written hurt/comfort. HERE IS SOME.

All right, that’s enough to be going on with. And I haven’t even gotten to the great writers I’ve discovered at fanfiction.net! Oh well. There’s time.

fic rec, supernatural

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