Supernatural 4.07

Oct 31, 2008 08:25

I'll close the writing poll at one o'clock today, twenty-four hours after I posted it, but so far the results are pretty definitive. Jeez oh Pete! I wonder what would happen if I did it again, but left off the first option? My mandate from the masses is clear, or at least the mandate from my flist, which I knew was biased this way, but well, if people who liked my non-crossover stuff wanted to have a say, they should have friended me and paid attention in case I posted a poll, right? Anyway, yes, a JACKNDEAN! fic is percolating nicely, and I even have a title: "The Fine Art of the PB & J". ("Gone Fishin'2: Electric Boogaloo" was just a placeholder.)

And hey, while I have your attention, go listen to The Jedi Drinking Song by The Brobdingagian Bards. There's also a pretty good video on YouTube. (Yep, Celtic folk musicians can be geeks, too.)

My reactions are a bit more incoherent than usual, sry. Just a bunch of scattered pieces, because my brain has pretty much been shattered. It's been a long time since a TV show actually managed to surprise me.

Oh my freaking gourd. Dean's FACE! Sam's FACE! SamnDean's FACES! Oh, Castiel! Castiel's FACE! THEIR FACES MAKE ME WIBBLE LIKE A CHILD WITH A SKINNED KNEE! Oh, FACES.

Anyway, good episode. Creepy and scary and MYTHARC MYTHARC OH MY GOODNESS MYTHARC.

My heart broke into little tiny pieces for Sam. When he met the angels in the motel room and oh Sammy, his excited little face. ::whimpers:: He was starstruck, poor boy. And Castiel, not knowing how to shake hands and then holding on too long and being confusing and remote and Lord, for the first time I want to write me some Castiel. Because because OH ANGEL! Let me hug you! And then Sam is so disappointed and Dean, Dean, protective big-brother Dean, tells him to hold onto his faith, oh Dean, that is so like you, to want to shelter that last bit of innocence and childlike trust in your little brother. Oh Sam, please hold on. You'll break Dean's heart if you lose it.

Dean + Candy = OTP.


And when Dean came around the corner and saw Sam...



My heart just about burst out of my chest in that scene. So intense, with Samhain lurching forward and Sam's fierce concentration and pain and grunting, and then Dean, Dean, Dean's face, so sad and broken and betrayed and scared and just...sad. I just want to bundle him up and make it better, but nothing can. Oh Dean.

Uriel the specialist and the mud monkey theme he had going. How creepy was that? How awesome? No, don't give me a number--it won't be high enough. Now that Dean's met this guy, maybe he'll have a little more appreciation for Castiel, mm?

Oh man, and how scary was that, that Dean is supposed to be giving orders to ANGELS? And Castiel didn't know if he had passed or failed!

Castiel, man, I loved Misha's performance in this episode, all the odd, not-human things he did, like holding Sam's hand too long, and looking at Dean too long in the end, until Dean had to glance away, and just all over looking uncomfortable, his skin not fitting him right. I think Dean is starting to see the guy as a person, maybe, rather than just a supernatural foe. It was fascinating to watch Dean's face in that last scene, him realizing that Castiel is a comrade of sorts, not something to rail against and defy, but maybe someone to empathize with. Weird and cool and freaking unsettling.

And of course, can't forget the mirroring scene with Sam and Uriel. D: I'm so scared for Sam's belief, what this is going to do to him. And Sam, following your brother's footsteps, just as defiant, just as scared. It also looks like Uriel is trying to drive yet ANOTHER wedge between Sam and Dean, and that is not cool.

What happened in hell? D: That flashback with the mask made me go all wobbly.

But there was better brotherly interaction in this episode, more teasing and banter, and mutual understanding. Still that disconnect, though. It's driving me NUTS.

At least I don't feel the same need as I did last week to write fanfic immediately in order to FIX IT FIX IT, so that's good.

fanfic, music, supernatural ep

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