I think writing is my new addiction.

Oct 30, 2008 12:29

You know, I used to only write fic that was sort of long. Multi-chapter semi-epics, or at least longish short stories, with some kind of thinkiness bent up in them, always with some kind of point. But now all of a sudden I'm writing numerous little ficlets and bit-parts and tags, and I've never done that before. Supernatural is changing me, y'all. It's changing me as a writer. It's like an addiction--it's been three days since I wrote something and I NEED it.

So, what should I work on next? I have many ideas. Also, if you choose "something besides Supernatural," please to be attempting to persuade me in the comments. It's going to take some doing, just warning ya.

Poll That's right, YOU can influence what Maychorian writes! Maybe.


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