From Twitter 05-13-2010

May 14, 2010 04:13

  • 00:38:42: New LJ Post: Big Bang Wordle
  • 01:05:56: Aaaaaghh, broke my sister's flash drive by accident. But she needs to stop giving me things to proof at the last minute. TEENAGERS, SHEESH.
  • 03:16:48: New LJ Post: From Twitter 05-12-2010
  • 11:57:42: More emailing with my artist about plans for Big Bang art. I'm really loving her ideas. It's gonna be beautiful.
  • 19:21:35: Played Ten Days in Africa and Omega Expedition with little sister. Now she's all "Want to watch Galaxy Quest" and I'm all "but but but...
  • 19:22:21: SUPERNATURAL IN FORTY MINUTES!" And she was still all, "GALAXY QUEST!!!" So I'm like, "Okay, Galaxy Quest for FORTY MINUTES." And she's all
  • 19:22:54: "Close enough." So yeah, watching Galaxy Quest with 11yo sister. I've had worse times before a SPN finale.
  • 19:24:17: ...Galaxy Quest is very nearly a perfect movie, just so you know. Man, I love it.
  • 21:02:19: ffffffff I don't think I even breathed for the last sixty minutes. AGH
  • 21:47:15: New LJ Post: Supernatural 5.22
  • 22:24:42: ... I'm gonna go cuddle with my rats for awhile. BRB, need to get off the internet and not think, just enjoy fuzzies.

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