Nov 08, 2009 21:31

So I watched 5.08 again just now and I took so many screenshots, OMG. I is having thoughts. Also many many many giggles.

And oh gosh, you guys, I love Castiel perhaps a little more than is strictly healthy. EEP. Somehow he just snuck his way into my little fangirl heart and curled up there. (Yes, like a kitten. OF COURSE like a kitten. What else would he be?) Oh Lordy. There will be more when I do my review, but goodness I do love him so and he's so gosh darn ALONE most of the time it kinda breaks my heart into tiny tiny pieces.

Speaking of: ariadnes_string wrote the loveliest gen h/c coda with Dean and Cas for the ep and I insist that you read it right away: Where Ask Is Have, Where Seek Is Find. I was thinking of writing one myself because I wanted it SO BAD, but she beat me to it, yay.

castiel, fic rec, supernatural ep

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