
Aug 09, 2009 11:09

::flails:: Guys, guys! I have been given some awesome art that I must share with you right away.

First, davincis_girl made this wonderful cover for Five Things Most Kids Do That Sam and Dean Never Did, which is the longest fic title I've written to date. :) She made this awhile ago but somehow it slipped my mind. No idea how, because it's beautiful.

But then! oatmeal_queen, who draws some of my favorite art in this fandom, gave me SEVEN doodles for Rain Falling Down. SEVEN. In, like, two days. I dunno how I get so lucky, you guys. People keep giving me awesome stuff. She says she's going to color the last three, too, but I'm too impatient. MUST SHARE NOW.

I didn't want to leave without making sure you guys saw these.

rain falling down, fanfic, art rec, i have awesome friends

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