
Aug 08, 2009 13:17

Hi! Long time no post, eh? It was mostly because of the lack of computer, but also when I was on the internet, at the library or begging time from my parents, I put most of my effort into spngenlove. Oh, and also writing that AU thing. Writing in notebooks is so frustrating. It's much slower than typing, and I'm always three or four sentences ahead of myself, trying to catch up. Missing words GALORE. But hopefully this dark, dark period is behind me now, because my new power supply came in the mail this morning!

Good timing, since I'll be gone next week. Monday through Friday I'll be on vacation with my family, down in the southern part of the state. I have no idea if I'll be able to hook up to wireless down there, and if I do it'll probably be for brief periods only. So probably no blogging then, either. But I intend to keep writing. I hope to come back with several projects done for immediate posting. ::crosses fingers::

In the meantime, I've been twittering more lately, because it's faster than writing a blog post. I sometimes post interesting sentences from whatever writing thing I'm working on with the tag #ptiw (proof that I'm writing). Here I am. I'm maychorian over there, too.

Also, in case NO ONE else has informed you, spn_summergen has started to posting. \o/ I'm way excited to see what prompt my gifter decided to use, and also nervous about how my recipient will receive what I made. And hey, if you can guess which one is mine, maybe I'll write you a ficlet! That would be fun, right?

Well, time to go back to coding recs. There were a ton of them this week.

so it turns out that modding is hard, fanfic, life, gah technology, writing

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