
Jul 18, 2009 08:04

I've been thinking....

As you all know, I often complain about gen fic not getting enough respect. I'm aware that it's a common complaint that crosses all fandoms, and I'm not saying that I want to take away anyone's porn or anything. I just...want great gen to receive a little more of the praise and affirmation it deserves. We have a tough row to hoe, we gen-lovers, and we should be supportive of each other.

They say the squeaky wheel gets the cheese and that Apollo helps those who helps themselves and apparently lifting yourself up by the bootstraps is what it's all about and America is the land of opportunity and are there any more cliches I can throw in here? Just...maybe we need an advocate, an enthusiastic, persistent push for more gen fic and more love for gen fic in the SPN fandom. I am a big admirer of sg_fignewton, who does this in the SG-1 corner of LJ. And maybe...maybe I can be that person for Supernatural. Or something. We need someone, and why not me? This makes sense, I think.

So I was wondering. Maybe I should start a community for SPN gen recs. Lord knows this fandom has plenty of rec communities, but none are focused on gen, at least none that I've come across. Does this already exist? If so, why don't I know about it? And if not, why don't we start one?

I don't want to do this alone, obviously. I have a ton of ideas, and I'd be delighted to be a spokesperson. I can be enthusiastic and persistent, I can. But I can't read all the gen fic that this amazing community produces, I can't find all the hidden little gems that no one has seen yet, and I can't be aware of something I don't even know is there. So this is a gentle little feeler, then, to see if I'm the only one who thinks this is a good idea.

Are any of you interested in this? Are any of you willing to help?

This might not exactly be the best month in my life for starting a big project like this, so it may be a little while, too, before anything happens. I just want to to know if there's any interest out there.

fandom, fanfic, supernatural

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