Food, glorious food

Jul 16, 2009 18:44

So this was my dilemma. My Thursday D&D group is doing like a potluck, in which the lovely hosts are providing spaghetti bake and the rest of us are bringing salad and dessert or whatever. And I was all like, "Bread! I will bring some kind of bread! Mmmmmgah, I love bread! Bread bread bread! I'm all over this, let me handle it!"

And, well. Breadsticks = awesome. Cheese sticks =awesome. Breadsticks stuffed with cheese? OH LORDY MY MIND HAS JUST BEEN BLOWN. ::sqqqqzplah, brains on the wall, blood dripping from ruined skull::

But the problem. There are six of us. Cheesy breadsticks come in boxes of five. ONLY FIVE WTF BREAD COMPANY THAT'S NOT ENOUGH. I had to make sure that everyone would get an equal amount of cheesy bready goodness, because the perfectionist equal-rights lover in me could not have it any other way. (I swear, as a teeny girl buckling my shoes for church I always made sure that the little rod thingy was the same number of holes in on both sides SO IT WOULD BE FAIR TO MY SHOES.)

I fear I've bought way too much.

But then again, can you ever have too many cheesy breadsticks? I think not.

I think not.

Anyway, it's just a good thing that cheesy Texas toast comes in boxes of eight, that's all.

random shininess, d&d, food

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