The Lights of Home Master Post

Jun 30, 2009 10:20

Fandom: Supernatural
Title: The Lights of Home
Author: Maychorian
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel, John
Category: Gen, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Casefile, Big Bang
Rating: R/M
Warning: ( skip) Sexual abuse of a child, minors in peril, imagery, violence, language Details here.
Spoilers: Through Season 4 in general
Summary: There are some memories that ( Read more... )

angst, fanfiction, master list, john winchester, big bang 2009, hurt/comfort, sam winchester, castiel, dean winchester

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Comments 8

The day after - without a second glance - this is what I remember echo_grace_07 June 30 2009, 21:06:01 UTC
I LOVE your summertime descriptions: the sweet, innocent freedom of the bike, the Fourth of July, the two playgrounds, and the candy store (both original flavor and the awkward redux). Especially that section before Dean's breakdown. So dreamy that I forgot Dean was even having issues. Then cold, harsh reality breaks in. :(
The shift from a happy hike in the park to middle-of-a-scary-hunt was also excellently done.

Now to random tidbits:

CAS ON A SWING!! ♥♥♥ I don't know if this was a nod to EA, nor do I really care. The image your words invoked left me wishing I could draw. (Again.) ♥
Castiel's insistence to tag along and help where he could - and getting a song stuck in his head - might've made me love him a little bit more. :D
Though his possible use of Jimmy's memories hit me a bit on the creepy side.

Sam pouting about the changed candy wrapper; subconsciously making the town his Safe Home template despite his lack of memory about the place (which makes a perfect kind of sense, btw); his unease at how everything's shrunk in the ( ... )


Re: The day after - without a second glance - this is what I remember maychorian July 6 2009, 19:57:40 UTC
Thank you, hon! ♥ It's so cool to see what stood out to you.

And LOL at Cas on a swing. I dunno if I did that on purpose, or if it's just that the idea of this hugely powerful supernatural creature hanging out a swingset just really, really appeals to me. ♥


sparky_joe July 31 2009, 23:17:14 UTC

I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get back here and post a comment. Real life has rode me hard and put me away wet one time too many in recent months, and I've either been super busy or it's completely slipped my mind.

As for my thoughts on Lights of Home?

I'll tell you the same thing I told my friend (@hadleylizzy) when I was recommending it to her, "this is why I'm so excited that I won Maychorian in the Sweet Charity auction!"

This is a beautiful, complex story, that deals with an ugly reality of our times in a delicate, yet personal manner.

Thank you for sharing little bits of your soul with us.



alocine_89 September 2 2009, 22:17:51 UTC
*hysteric squeeing*

god, this fic just kills me! (in the best way possible)

Love the 'voices' of wee!dean, regular!dean, john, cas.... yeah, everyone. :P

It's good to see a fic with a balanced john, where he wants to be a good father, and can when he actually puts the effort in, but at the same time is very much a hunter.

and wee!sammy is just the cutest thing ever!

Cas being a little more human, and helping Dean to deal with trauma's like this is so lovely, and Dean... well, I'm very much a Dean girl, so I'm not going to say too much, saving you from over-enthusiastic fangirling, but wow! Awesome wee!dean, so real, so huggable, so Dean!

ok... i think im done now. :P


I had so much to say about this... goblin_valley September 16 2009, 06:28:25 UTC
But then sleep caught up with me, and the lists I had been composing in my head disappeared into the ether. Mind you, it was all good stuff. I've never read an abuse fic--and very few abuse stories at all, if any--that were just so... yes. Yes, to the way he reacted to what happened. Yes, to the way John reacted (I loved the line about how the top of Dean's head was wet, and that it didn't make sense). Yes, to that tiny, two-second scene after the first sparring session, where Sam goes out and puts his arm around Dean and says something in his ear. I could see it in my mind, tiny Dean and tinier Sam, sitting side by side. Yes, so much yes to Cas quietly singing hymns by the window--I keep remembering how Misha had said that Castiel's favorite music is Rachmaninoff's Vespers. Especially since the proper translation of the piece's title is actually the All-Night Vigil, which is appropriate to Cas's role in this story, in a way. Yes to how Dean dealt with it, to how Sam dealt with it, to how John dealt with it. Yes to Cas forcing them to ( ... )


Forgot to add goblin_valley September 16 2009, 06:32:40 UTC
The conclusion of all that: I plan to re-read this at intervals. Many times. Not just because I like it, but because I think the juxtaposition of sadness and brutal honesty with faith and love would be good for me. (And because I just recently left home, and all the descriptions of small-town childhood summer make me feel less homesick. :) )


orehime March 13 2010, 03:05:37 UTC
AWESOME! That's my afternoon's reading sorted out \o/


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