::yawns, blinks, looks at clock, screams quietly in shock::

May 03, 2009 12:53

Wowzers. Here I was thinking that I would spend today writing or comment-answering, but instead I have been sleeping like a...like a...like a very tired person. See? Even my simile-machine is broken.

Here is what happened yesterday:

5:50 Hit the snooze button on both of my alarms.
6:00 Hit the snooze button on both of my alarms.
6:10 Got dressed and drove to house of client who I help every morning.
6:30-7:30 Work.
7:45 Arrived home. Cleaned car. Unzipped podfic files of twasadark reading an epic Dean-whumper by oselle to listen to on epic road trip. Searched a teensy bit frantically for the audio cord to connect netbook to car radio. Reassured mother five times that I wasn't going to be killed by an axe murderer from the internet, that it was a woman, and there would be a bunch of us, and we were meeting in a public place, and no, I didn't know her real name but she didn't know mine either, so it was fair. Gave her the address of the restaurant so she would have something to tell the police.
9:15-11:30 Drove to Indianapolis while listening to said podfic. Got very caught up in story.
11:30 Missed my turn and had to backtrack. Twice. Blamed twasadark and oselle for being unfairly awesome. Good thing I gave myself that extra half hour--knew I'd need it.
11:55 Worked up the courage to actually go inside the restaurant and not turn around immediately and drive back home. Cursed my social anxiety for making this so difficult. Went inside.
12:00-2:30 NON-STOP SQUEE. Lunch with eight of the most intelligent, witty folks there are within a few hours' drive of Indianapolis, received a Dragonsmish. Also, I ate a baby.
2:30 Sadly left.
2:45 Missed the exit for I-69. Shook fist at twasadark and oselle.
5:00 Arrived in Fort Wayne. Taco Bell for supper.
6:00-9:00 Work. Much walking and singing the same nursery songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Hate that itsy bitsy spider SOOOO much. Exhausting.
9:00 Root beer float cures all ills.
9:45 Home. Assured family I was not dead. No murder on this trip. Checked email.

And now it is 1:00 PM of the following day. O.O

Wow, I have things to do.

squee, life, i have awesome friends, family, work

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