(no subject)

Feb 07, 2011 22:28

Sometimes, it seems like everyone in the whole world has gotten cynical. Or maybe it's just me who has.
Either way, reading this actually made me cry:


And so I think everyone in the world should read it.
"Researchers at Stony Brook University in New York have shown that the traditionally sorry path of sexual love - a downward spiral from lust to indifference over the space of a decade - is not an iron rule. Scanning the brains of people who have been together for 20 years, the scientists found that about one in 10 couples still display elements of “limerence”, the psychologists’ term for the obsessive behaviour of new lovers. They enjoy “intensive companionship and sexual liveliness” but without the anxieties and tensions of early love."


It matches up with what I saw in this couple who I wrote about last week: 


And with my John and Norah who I wrote about as an intern, who got married at 90 and were chasing each other around on riding mowers giggling like kids when they were 104.

Hope, man. Hope.

hope, ponderings, north carolina, dating, love

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