a call for bright ideas!

Mar 10, 2010 13:10

So I've been reduced to reading through the list of UNC-Chapel Hill graduate schools and trying to intuit from their names whether they're A.) something I'd enjoy, and B.) something you can get a job in with actual decent pay, so I wouldn't just waste two years of time & tuition. I've been looking at Library Science, but with the economy the way it is, I'm not confident that there will be jobs once I get out in two years.

Bottom line is, I'm lucky to have a somewhat creative job, especially in this economy. But at the same time, the more I look at who I've become in the past three years, the more I dislike it. I'm a lot more confident, true, but also cynical, enthusiasm-free and generally rather unhappy. And the work is getting less creative by the day, really; you can only cover so many town meetings before the glamour rubs off the old reporter-fedora.

So, just for fun (and on the theory that people who know me pretty well might have good ideas on the subject that I've not yet thought of) -- what should Chelsea's next career be?

(Note: Options not limited to grad school offerings, but do avoid the awesome-but-flagrantly-impossible and the no-jobs-with-salaries-available, as I'm a frustrated ballerina/tightrope walker/best-selling novelist/eccentric oil painter from the Renaissance already.).

(Also note: advertising/marketing is out, because it would make me hate myself).

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd....GO! :)

change, north carolina, work, eek

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