By the way, thanks for book club. I finished book on Monday (+), and I was able to separate myself from author and the book (++), and got some interesting thoughts (+++). And yes, of course, your hubby gave me another list of books to read (4+) :)
welcome:) it was my pleasure! Curious about those thoughts on the rest of the book. Do tell. Have no idea how hubby has ideas on what books to read, but great:) (he has been reading Gravity's Rainbow for a while now)
Yes, he tried to "sell" me Gravity Rainbow, but the volume of the book scared me. I am still reading Nabokov's "Ada and Arbor" so I am all set with lengthy book for now. Instead he suggested something much shorter "Spurious"? Have you read it?
I will share my thought with you personally. BTW we should continue our "movie" nights at F.Cinema…I have been watching this documentary on history of film and have quite a list of movies I want to watch.
Didn't get to "Spurious" yet, but i heard A. laugh a lot while reading it. Looks tempting :)
Miss our cinema nights also, but have a feeling we will get together soon
With the STSLS, i didn't get a chance to discuss one of the most important themes-American obsession with youth, fear of looking old, fear of old people, etc. I can't believe nobody brought it up;))
Nu vot i obsudili bi, nada eto "live forevA" ili net;)) komu eto nado i voobshe I really think (in this context) its not important if we are too young to worry about aging, if we feel young or we feel old.. It is more about what message, point of view the author tried to deliver. We could work a little harder and try to uncover this message, instead of "zatziklivytsya" na svoih tarakanah. Then we might want to decide if Gary did a poor job or a nice job exposing American society's obsession with youth.
Я иногда возвращаюсь к этой теме "вечной жизни". В 15 лет мне казалась эта тема настолько неинтересной, что я серьезно к ней вернулась только намного позже, лет 12 спустя. На фоне развития современной науки невольно спрашиваешь себя: неужели все это только ради жизни вечной. Это вроде как единственный драйв современной биологии - предотвратить раннюю смерть, отсрочить смерть на более поздние сроки. Хочу ли я лично жить вечно? Наверное, нет. Но я не прочь прожить в сознании и здравии хотя бы 150 :)
By the way, thanks for book club. I finished book on Monday (+), and I was able to separate myself from author and the book (++), and got some interesting thoughts (+++). And yes, of course, your hubby gave me another list of books to read (4+) :)
Curious about those thoughts on the rest of the book. Do tell.
Have no idea how hubby has ideas on what books to read, but great:) (he has been reading Gravity's Rainbow for a while now)
I will share my thought with you personally. BTW we should continue our "movie" nights at F.Cinema…I have been watching this documentary on history of film and have quite a list of movies I want to watch.
Miss our cinema nights also, but have a feeling we will get together soon
With the STSLS, i didn't get a chance to discuss one of the most important themes-American obsession with youth, fear of looking old, fear of old people, etc.
I can't believe nobody brought it up;))
komu eto nado i voobshe
I really think (in this context) its not important if we are too young to worry about aging, if we feel young or we feel old..
It is more about what message, point of view the author tried to deliver. We could work a little harder and try to uncover this message, instead of "zatziklivytsya" na svoih tarakanah. Then we might want to decide if Gary did a poor job or a nice job exposing American society's obsession with youth.
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