It's that time again! You know, that time when you think you should be NaNoWriMo-ing, but keenly understand your limitations. 50,000 words? Not so much. A couple hundred, maybe? Done and done!
We'll start with the prompts from
BlogHer, shall we?
Nov. 1: When you're having a bad day (with your mental health), what do you do to help yourself?
Okay, I blanked out that bit because there are some people who really struggle with their mental health. I am, luckily, not one of them, so I do not presume to speak to or for these people. I have a thyroid disease and when my meds get out of whack, one of the symptoms is a low, constant background hum of dread and anxiety, and after years and years I've figured out this nagging feeling means I need to talk to my doctor and have blood work done NOW. Of course, I have plain old bad days, too, sometimes several of them at a stretch. I usually just want to crawl beneath my duvet and sleep until spring (because yes, winter tends to get me down. Seriously down.) Exercising helps - a walk, a swim, even treking around a mall or store is better than nothing. Being around people helps, too, even if it's just hanging out at the library or a busy coffee shop. Making things - crafting, sewing, cooking, baking - helps me focus on something outside of my gloom. If all else fails, I apply Dairy Queen. Liberally.
For Medicinal Use Only
HOW ABOUT YOU? What do you do when you are feeling down? And what's your favourite Blizzard flavour? (If you do not have one (and are not profoundly lactose intolerant) why, why, in god's name, why??)