NaBloPoMo 2015 - Day 28

Nov 29, 2015 00:07

I defrosted the freezer today.  The excitement never starts...


So this happened just up the road:

Lego worth $20,000 stolen from Ont. toy store,
three men sought

I'm thinking, it being Christmas and all, these items will be relatively easy to move.

Galen Weston Jr may be the cutest billionaire ever, but come on!

That is just gross.:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:

I went to the thrift store today. I spent $4.  I also went to the big garden centre.  I stood in the green house filled with (the nice man said) about 1200 fresh cut pines.  Questionable use of natural resources, yes, but it smelled amazing.  I wandered around for half an hour, then bought basil seeds.  My life is sooooooooooo glamoiurous.

nablopomo_2015, lego

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