[Translation] Sato Hisanori's Valentine

Apr 10, 2010 22:31

 Hahaha! Few weeks ago, I found a some short (and really short) interview (actually, 5 questions) with Sato-chan xD I wonder what is there, so I try to translate it. Here is my poor draft-quality translation with mistakes I suppose. Maybe there are many mistakes xD Mainly in loooong sentences xD Maybe some sentence I understood wrong, so the translation is wrong too. So what xD Maybe the beggining is somewhere wrong, but Q&A should be right :D Take from this site: here. And miko_yamanaka assured me about rightness of some sentences, so...:D Somewhere it's totally no sense? :D I guess? Things in ( ) are interviewers notes, things in [ ] are my notes xD

February 4th 2010, 16:50
We have 10 days until Valentine’s Day.
You should start thinking about presents, because we don’t have many days to Valentine’s Day.
In lot of magazines and in TV, they show a lot of things you can buy as a present.
Sometimes, it will be a dokitte (suprising, shocking) situation etc., when girls will discover boys‘ „real intention“.

This time, we have here the member from musical Boukensha-tachi, it’s Sato Hisanori-san, who will tell us somehting about his Valentine.

Q: What are your memories from Valentine’s Days? 
I was always at my birthday and Valentine’s Day sad… (Sato-san was born on February 14th) [Why are you sad? Poor you...:(]

Q: How will you spend this year Valentine’s Day?
It will be Private Journey event! [Oooh, he spent his VD Takki? :D]

Q: From who would you like to get a present?
I would be happy only from that I got something.

Q: Which present would you like to receive?
Everything is okay, but don’t give random things.

Q: Thanks for encouragement messages for girls in love!
Yea. I think love is fine thing!

If you wonder why I didn't translate word dokitte...It's because I like this word, so I wrote dokitte xD Aaah, that'S all! I'm so tired :D

*translation, sato hisanori

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