Couple Counseling - 7x04 "Massage Therapy"

Mar 06, 2011 00:45

Title: Couple Counseling for episode 7x04 "Massage Therapy"
Status: Fictional 'Shrink' session between a 'virtual' me and either House or Cuddy, or both.
Summary: Through fictional dialogues, just a fun pretext to discuss the 'Huddy' relationship. Not really a review, but consider it another way of giving my two cents about the episode...
Disclaimer: Well of course, nothing is mine! it all belongs to David Shore, the lucky b... *sigh*

House, alone at the session.


House: Cuddy let me stay over at her place.

Maya: Good.

H: Except she felt forced to do it.

M: Forced? Why?

H: It was blackmail, of a sort.

M: You blackmailed her?

H: Not me! She did. She threatened to stop seeing me if I didn’t give up on the best massage therapist I’d found in years. Although it probably has to do with the fact that she’s also a hooker who I used to have sex with.

M: Well, of course, Cuddy has a point then.

H: She hasn’t. That was the past. Brandi really only massages my leg now - no sex is involved.

M: Even so, Cuddy is a woman; your masseuse is a woman. That alone is bound to create competition. Especially because you also had sex with that masseuse…

H: You sound just like Cuddy! She accused me of being an idiot for not seeing why this bothers her. She says I’m trying to sabotage our relationship…

M: And are you?

H: Of course not! Or, if so, I’m not the only one…

M: What do you mean?

H: She didn’t let me stay over at her place until I asked her.

M: Is that why you think she was forced?

H: Duh!

M: But if she really didn’t want you there, she wouldn’t have asked at all, right?

H: No. Cuddy is not completely honest with me. She says she’s open but she’s not. She has doubts…

M: So what? You think you have the right to doubt but Cuddy doesn’t?

H: Oh come on! You know what she told me? When I confronted her about not letting me into her life, she said she had to protect her daughter in case I would go away. I mean me? Go away? Isn’t  that the stupidest irrational statement you’ve ever heard?

M: I don’t know. Did you tell her it was?

H: I don’t have to. She already knows it is.

M: Maybe she doesn’t. Maybe she needs to hear it.

H: So that’s your analysis? Suddenly Cuddy is the insecure one? You sure you’ve met her recently?

M: First you tell me Cuddy has no valid reason to feel threatened by the masseuse. Still, she adamantly wants you to stop seeing her, which I think you know full well means she actually does feel insecure, even if it seems irrational to you.

H: That’s stupid.

M: Why? Why couldn’t she feel insecure? You do.

H: Again duh! I have a reason. She doesn’t. Sorry, but look at us. Why would I want to leave her? What are the odds of me leaving versus her? Tell me.

M: There we are! The problem is that you’re not putting enough faith in her. You cannot constantly act like you fear she’ll leave you any minute, holding back your feelings, and at the same time think she has to welcome you in her life unconditionally in return. Things don’t work like that.

H: What is that supposed to mean?

M: You accuse her of keeping her daughter away from you. But have you thought of her reasons? Cuddy is a mother. She knows if you get involved in her child’s life, it will have consequences, for the three of you. You can’t blame Cuddy for taking that into account.

H: And you think I didn’t think about it myself already? That I didn’t ponder all the implications it would have?

M: You said you stayed at Cuddy’s place. So you saw her daughter, right? How did it go?

H: Fine. Rachel did whatever baby stuff babies do. Then Cuddy put her to bed and we moved on to the real stuff…

M: That’s not really what I meant. I’m asking you: do you think Rachel liked you?

H: I have no idea! And I don’t care!

M: Are you sure?

H: Yeah.

M: Alright, let’s say you don’t. So, what if she doesn’t like you? Don’t tell me you didn’t think about that possibility.

H: It’s not important…

M: Yes it is. It’s important and you know it. You’re putting the blame on Cuddy saying she holds back, but at the same time you keep saying you don’t care about her child. So either you really don’t care, which means you shouldn’t have been bothered by the fact that Cuddy hadn’t introduced you to her daughter, or … you do care, which means you’re perfectly aware that Rachel is important in the equation…

H: Of course I am! I know I can’t avoid being involved with her kid forever if I want Cuddy and me to be a couple.

M: And yet, you are avoiding getting involved. I can see why you don’t find it thrilling to connect with a toddler. But your reticence goes beyond that. You’re holding back because basically, if Rachel doesn’t like you, it means Cuddy could be forced to choose between her daughter and you. And you’re afraid if that happens, her choice would already be made.

H: Which is the truth.

M: No, which is a truth. You have no way of knowing how it will go with Cuddy’s daughter until you give it a try.

H: Maybe I don’t want to find out. Maybe I’m comfortable with the way things are now…

M: I don’t believe you. I believe you genuinely want to be a part of Cuddy’s life.

H: Because I mostly genuinely want Cuddy! And I’m not a moron. I realize that in order to get what I want there are certain things I need to compromise. Rachel being one of them.

M: Then why so reticent? Cuddy knows you. I doubt she expects you to be the perfect father for her child. She sees your effort, and that’s enough for now. So go on, step into that new dimension of your relationship and stop feeling threatened by every obstacle that comes your way. And above all: trust Cuddy’s love for you. That’s the key to steady your future together.

huddy, cuddy, season 7, couple counseling, house

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