Couple Counseling - 7x03 "Unwritten"

Mar 06, 2011 00:15

Title: Couple Counseling for episode 7x03 "Unwritten"
Status: Fictional 'Shrink' session between a 'virtual' me and either House or Cuddy, or both.
Summary: Through fictional dialogues, just a fun pretext to discuss the 'Huddy' relationship. Not really a review, but consider it another way of giving my two cents about the episode...
Disclaimer: Well of course, nothing is mine! it all belongs to David Shore, the lucky b... *sigh*

Cuddy in session alone


Cuddy: I’m concerned.

Maya: Why?

C: Everything’s great between me and House and yet, he’s still worried.

M: About what?

C: You should know. You’re the one he’s confiding in.

M: I sense resentment…

C: Shouldn’t he talk about that with me?

M: He doesn’t?

C: Ultimately yes, but spontaneously, no. How can I help him if he doesn’t share with me what he thinks of our relationship? … I feel great now and I know that’s how I’m supposed to feel. I’m not stupid. The excitement, the thrill… all those feelings come from the novelty somehow… and I know, just like House does, that they’re going to fade…

M: And you’re not afraid of that?

C: I am. In a way I am: future is always uncertain… but we can still have faith. I have faith.

M: But not House?

C: He thinks we have nothing in common.

M: And you disagree with him.

C: No, he has a point… But is it really important? We don’t like the same things. Big deal! I told him we don’t need “common” because what we have is way better-- we have uncommon!

M: Tell me about your relationship with Lucas.

C: Pardon me?

M: How would you describe it? Was it a common or an uncommon relationship?

C: How the hell is that question relevant to what’s going on now?

M: I think you know…

C: I’m not with House just for the thrill, if that’s what you’re insinuating!

M: I’m not insinuating anything, but you just indirectly answered my question. I assume your relationship with Lucas was common, am I right?

C: Are you saying I shouldn’t have tossed away a common relationship for something uncommon with House?

M: I’m not saying anything. You are… which proves you’re actually asking yourself questions.

C: You’re wrong. I feel good with House… I’m happy…

M: Of course you are, but in one year from now? Or five?

C: You mean House is right to worry? What kind of counseling is that?

M: Just try and put yourself in House’s place. You made a bold choice, and perhaps it’s hard for him to give it the kind of faith you’re giving it because he didn’t see it coming.

C: What do you mean?

M: For someone rational like House, what you did doesn’t seem logical.

C: So I should start worrying just like him, that’s it? Screw logic! I don’t want to be miserable!

M: You think House is miserable with you?

C: Hell no! He said he was happy to Wilson… Yes, he’s happy… But… he’s worrying all the time. Why can’t he just be happy about it?

M: Maybe it’s hard for him.

C: To be happy?

M: No, being happy is something House can do. But holding onto the feeling of happiness without feeling threatened is visibly another challenge.

C: That’s just crap.

M: No, that’s rational. House is a man who has lived through lots of emotional failures.

C: You think I didn’t?

M: That’s not what I’m saying, but you found a way to cope with that threat - with faith, and faith…

C: Is too much an irrational concept for House?

M: Yes.

C: So you’re saying we’re doomed?

M: No. But you have to accept that House needs to rely on things that feel more palpable than just good will.

C: Like trying to please me?

M: I don’t know. Do you have something in mind?

C: Actually, yes. We went out.

M: Oh good! What did you do?

C: Go-kart.

M: Go-kart was your idea?

C: No. It was House’s. I told him to pick something I’d like.

M: And he picked go-kart? Interesting…

C: He was trying to please me. He called my mom and she said I used to like go-kart, which I did… when I was twelve.

M: Does House like go-kart?

C: Duh! It’s House we’re talking about so… yes!

M: And you, how did you like it?

C: It was… okay but… to be honest, that’s not the kind of thing I was expecting.

M: Clearly, it’s not…

C: Hey! Are you saying House pretended to please me but actually he chose go-kart to please himself?

M: No, that’s the opposite actually. You asked him to choose something you like, and with that you put him in an impossible situation.

C: How?

M: Objectively, do you really think it’s hard for House to think about something you like?

C: No, it’s not. He knows me very well…

M: So he could have picked something less… unexpected for you than go-karting… but in his mind, since he was convinced you have nothing in common, it would have been something he wouldn’t have appreciated.

C: So… you mean…

M: It would have proved his point… House chose go-karting because that’s something he likes; your mother mentioning it gave him hope that you would like it too. The thing is, he was really desperate to find something you both would enjoy.

C: Wow! So, me telling him I don’t care about common was a bad idea then?

M: Not necessarily. What do you think House wants?

C: Given what you just pointed out, I’d say he wants us to share hobbies. Oh God! Does that mean I have to start liking go-kart again?

M: No. That’s not what I meant and you know it. Cuddy, you were right: common is not the most important thing you and House need right now. Not yet.

C: What is it then?

M: House is a pragmatic man. He needs concrete proof that you’re doing well as a couple. Words aren’t enough. You need to reassure him in his male role, make him feel he’s fulfilling you.

C: I told him I’ve never been happier. What else do you want me to say?

M: Not say! Do. You need to show him that you are happy, take care of him… maybe also acknowledge him as a part of your life.

C: But I already did! We went to HR last week…

M: I meant your personal life…

huddy, cuddy, season 7, couple counseling, house

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