Sep 29, 2010 14:39
So, the first Star Wars movie to be released in 3-D, in 2012, will be...The Phantom Menace!!!!!
And I just can't stop giggling. I'm happy as a clam, not just because TPM is my second favorite SW movie, but because the bedwetters are absolutely freaking out.
Let me guess...a typical post reads something like, "How can that hack Luca$ rape my childhood yet again by releasing THAT piece of s**t first? Why doesn't he release ESB first, since it's the only SW movie worth anything on its own?! Gary Kurtz would have made Lucas release ESB first if he was still around, since he's the one who made ANH and ESB good!!! Doesn't Luca$ know that everyone hates TPM and it was poorly received?!!"
I'm not making any of that crap up. I've seen it said by bedwetters, and/or their representatives in the media, many times.
Let's break the part about TPM being "a flop" and "poorly received" down. TPM grossed over $400 million domestically. I don't know how much it grossed worldwide, but I vaguely recall that it was nowhere near a flop. Now, I know the backlash against the movie has been so severe that it rewrote history in a lot of people's minds, but the inconvenient facts show that it was anything but "a flop" and "poorly received". Movies that "everyone hates" do not gross $400 million domestically. And no, I don't think it grossed that much "because it was the first SW movie in 16 years!" If that were the ONLY reason, it would have done a hit-and-fade, kind of like The Matrix Reloaded did: huge opening weekend, then a severe drop-off. I might add that the same bedwetters who insist that TPM was a flop/failure, also insisted that The Matrix Reloaded was an unmitigated success and further proved that the Wachowski brothers "owned Luca$."
Oh, and another note on Gary "Bigmouth" Kurtz, for no other reason than I enjoy razzing the loser: I told a friend via PM that Kurtz is actually pretty pathetic when you think about it...he is so paltry and insignificant that he has to exploit his erstwhile connection to Star Wars, and kiss up to a bunch of whiny, bitchy malcontents (the bedwetters) in order to make himself seem more important than he actually was. And the same goes for the bedwetters who hang onto his every word and use him as a "resource" to "prove" that Star Wars has sucked since 1980.
And we shouldn't overlook that the bedwetters, despite hating ROTJ and the prequels with every fiber of their being, STILL continue to watch, analyze, and post about them. When a speaker at the Prequels Appreciation Panel that was held at Celebration V posted a quick rundown on his blog after returning home, who responded first? Why, the bedwetters, of course, simultaneously claiming that they are the overwhelming majority ("Everyone hates the PT...just look at all the people bashing it!") and a persecuted minority ("Why wasn't there a Prequel Criticism panel for some balance? We who hate the prequels never get our say!").
In other words, the bedwetters are a bunch of losers, just like their idol Gary Kurtz. If they hate ROTJ and the prequels so much, all they have to do is quit spending their time and money on those movies. But very few, if any, of them have done so. That just makes them bigger losers. I may be a "no-taste, Luca$-worshipping cretin" in the eyes of the bedwetters, but at least I actually LIKE what I claim to be a fan of.