(no subject)

Aug 31, 2009 21:54

Allow me to explain. This weekend I, with the help of my friend Tim, built a new driveshaft for my car since Tim's car took my old one to get him running again after the dragstrip incident. Long story short, after fighting the u-joints for a couple hours, I had a driveshaft that started vibrating just like the one I replaced back when I went to Branson. Hmm! Perhaps because I didn't mark the yokes and since they may not run perfectly true, the shaft is out of balance.

Flipping the yoke proved this as I have nearly no vibrations now. I made the mistake of mentioning this to Bowtie, who promptly reminded me about a year ago that he suggested an out of balance driveshaft when I first had the problem. I swore up and down that it was the brakes and blew him off.

Well, buddy, here you go. I said I'd do it, and now you'll live in infamy underneath my car. ;)

This weekend was a wrench fest. Saturday was all working on my car with the driveshaft as well as dropping the transmission to replace the clutch and flywheel. I think by about 10 PM we finally called it quits and had my car rolling. Of course, at least one photo had to be taken so I mounted my transmission and rode it like a scene straight out of Dr. Strangelove. 8)

Sunday I rebuilt the driveshaft again and bullshitted the weekend away. I had a rather weird dream last night. Actually, the weird part was that I had a dream! Totally blew me away how vivid it was and the fact I remembered it the next morning. I was some arctic place, snow everywhere and got into some sort of accident. Although I don't know what, I just know I was in trouble as I was going to freeze. So I'm laying in the snow, falling asleep, and on top of me is about half a dozen sled dogs. Why I don't know as I wasn't sledding, yet there I was comfy as could be. Then I woke up with that same warm cozy feeling and felt sad that I was awake again. :P I'm still wondering why the hell I was in that situation as one moment it was freezing to death and in an instant covered in huskies. *flails* Beats the fuck out of me.

Today was... a normal Monday. Kinda slow, definitely tired. Mt. Dew works amazingly. Tomorrow I'm heading down to Oklahoma to work on a disc mower and I'm not excited one bit. Oklahoma and I just don't get along well.

To part, here's some photos from my colorado trip that finally got removed from my camera. The scenic and lovely Golden, CO.

And what 75% of my drive home looked like. Yes, I was reading. Yes, I know I'm stupid. No, I don't care. :P

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