Jul 31, 2006 02:09
The entire month crashed down on me in this last week.
Everything that could have gone wrong.. did.
Blow after blow.
I haven't been this low in a long time.
However, I am looking forward to seeing next month.
And I'm putting a positive outlook on this.
Because well..
nothing could be as bad as this month.
Although, I can't say that nothing awesome happened this month.
(The beach and hanging out with my friends, awesome shows and awesome people.. awesome drunken swimming.. parties, and walks on the peir with my soulmate..movie nights and the bar.. meeting new people and sweatfest.. discovering new bands and having heart to hearts.. I loved it all.)
It's just that everything bad definitly outweighed the good.
Starting out with my trunk leaking and getting my amp wet..
my tire blowing and waiting an entire 3 weeks for a new tire.
Getting in fights with my 2 best friends and not knowing where to turn to.
Finding out my grandpa has prostate cancer..
AND skin cancer.
Finding out my aunt is on her last leg.
Just waiting to get that phone call.
Getting peed on.. which turns out to be humorous in the end.
(And just when I thought things couldn't get worse.. this is where it comes crashing down..)
Getting my purse stolen..
losing my entire life..
id, checks, ss card, credit cards, expensive jewelry n makeup..
Getting that phone call the very next day.
Spending most of that day on the phone with police and people who couldn't speak english explaining to them I had to cancel my credit card account.
Jumping through hoops to get my license back.
Getting sick..
and jumping through hoops to get to the doctor only for the bitch to tell me there is nothing wrong with me.
"Go home and let it run it's course."
Having to pack and head to Chicago for my aunt's visitation and funeral.
Not even attending her funeral because I was that sick.
I slept in my grandparents hotel room.
I felt so bad.. :(
Getting back and spending two extremely miserable days in bed..
waking up and not being able to swallow or talk.
Spent the day in the Medi Center and then the ER.
Found out I had an abcess in my tonsil.
(and my tonsils are probly the biggest tonsils you've ever seen. You have no idea)
The doctor told me if I waited another day it could have been a serious health risk and my throat would have swelled up completely.
Got stabbed with needles and razor blades.. cat scans..
the puke.. everything I was injected with..
not being able to eat since last Tuesday..
not being able to eat solid foods for another 3 days..
IVs.. nasty 'banana' flavored freeze foam SHIT.. and even worse..
the puss..
and the blood..
coming out of my fucking tonsil.
and after all this..
I haven't even mentioned guys.
Because honestly for once in my life.
I have put them so far on the back burner that they don't deserve this rant of my extremely bad month.
But just for the record.
I've had my fair share of you fuckers this month.
Happy now?
Can you see why I have a reason to bitch and complain?
And just to make EVERY thing on earth EVEN worse!!@#*&!..
Please be good to me August.
I've never done you wrong.