Apr 07, 2007 21:52
1. Where is your cell phone? placed on a day planner
2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/S.O.? Heather-y
3. Your hair? too long
4. Your mother? organized
5. Your father? actor
6. Your favorite item? Schecter
7. Your dream last night? uhh...dont remember
8. Your favorite drink? MOXIE
9. Your dream car? El Camino
10. The room you are in? cluttered
11. Your ex? tall
12. Your fear? mediocrity
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Archtypal
14. Who did you hang out with last night? Ben
15. What you're not? drunk
19. The last thing you did? party
20. What are you wearing? hat
22. Your favorite book? Inferno
23. The last thing you ate? bean
24. Your life? pregame
25. Your mood? contemplative
26. Your friends? good
27. What are you thinking about right now? journal
28. Your car? JEEP
29. What are you doing at the moment? vegitiating
30. Your summer? forthcoming
31. Your relationship status? facebooked
32. What is on your tv? Sox
33. When is the last time you laughed? Tonight
34. Last time you cried? years
35. School? Platapus?
So, I have been locked out of places lately. Friday, I was locked out of the classics building where I had a teacher appointment. Today I was locked out of Immanuel Baptist Church. It is a strange microcosm phenomenon which has recently begun to occur. I have already begun to anticipate resistence when I pull on a doorknob.
Friday I also was in a sci-fi movie. When i went to get coffee at Luther Bonney, I realized that the entire campus had been replaced by the elderly! Suddenly all of the college kids kicking around had been transformed into 65 year old seniors, shuffling about in all directions. Very surreal. Today at the show, Kurt concurred seeing such things. Oh what a strange campus at times.
Friday night was spent in Sanford, with Ben, Charles, and some of Andy (Ben's brother)'s friends. Saw Cieslik for the first time in a long time, which is always nice to see old friends. Got back to Charles' house at 4:30 AM, crashed to Porcupine Tree DVD, then got up at ten, went back to my house, showered, closed the Jesus one act, and tried to go to Immanuel (where said lock out happened), and then hung around at the house until eight, when I attended the Bigfoot Chronicles' cast party. Saw a lot of old friends and made some new ones. Good people.
I want an eight-sixteen track recorder so badly, its ridiculous.